Title: Lame poste looking for a MOTO riding inspirational video..help!! Post by: Qomomoko on March 23, 2023, 02:46:45 PM Lame.. but
I have spent 2 days looking through my youtube history and likes lol and posts on moto forums to see if I find it and have not. Here is a description; less or about 5 min top in length. It is a slim guys with short dark hair on the video and commentating. He says phrases that go along the lines of.. " they is why we ride" " we ride because .. we have faith.. faith in.. tires.. the brakes... .." The back ground musing has no lyrics as far as I remember. He has an accent and to my recolection he is NOT hispanic lol or asian; I would gues italian jajaja in the video, there are a but of short video shots of riders in full leather suits taking long curves. the curves were usually NOT a motogp track and the riders were NOT motogp riders. the words FAITH and / or TRUST i believe were a big part of his narrative. There is a chance youtube remove the video and so I could not find it in my history/ likes/saved etc.. :'( thanks jajaja ;D Title: Re: Lame poste looking for a MOTO riding inspirational video..help!! Post by: stopintime on March 23, 2023, 03:12:26 PM I remember people mentioning "Why we ride" / "This is why we ride". I think it was put together from a series of separate video clips. Searching youtube for it now, is of course difficult. Have you tried?
Title: Re: Lame poste looking for a MOTO riding inspirational video..help!! Post by: Qomomoko on March 23, 2023, 05:46:14 PM I remember people mentioning "Why we ride" / "This is why we ride". I think it was put together from a series of separate video clips. Searching youtube for it now, is of course difficult. Have you tried? Yes, searched YouTubed and google.Will try again lol through different criteria . |