Title: Ducati wins 400th World Superbike Race (Spoiler) Post by: paso87 on April 24, 2023, 04:19:24 PM World Superbike just completed the Dutch round at Assen and Alvaro Bautista won Race 1, the Sprint Race, and Race 2. A HAT TRICK! This was Ducati's 400th Superbike win. Bautista now has 40 Superbike wins which is 10% of those 400 wins. He joins Ducati Legends Carl Fogarty and Troy Bayliss for most wins. Fogarty has 54 or so wins, Bayliss 52, and Bautista 40.
https://www.worldsbk.com/en/news/2023/400%20WINS%20FOR%20DUCATI%20the%20best%20wins%20epic%20wildcards%20big%20battles%20and%20more?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=Apr23_DucatiImage&utm_campaign=Traffic Great little poster in the article also! Pete |