Title: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: mitt on August 24, 2023, 05:25:14 PM Hi everyone. Long time member here, even a DMF flounder some would say. Haven't been around much but trying to get back into 2 wheels with motors.
My 2003 M1000 DS monster needs new rear turn signals, one finally broke (probably my 14yo getting on and off the pillion seat). I did a search but most posts are from 3+ years ago with part number and vendor recommendations that are now defunct. What says the community for good and reasonable rear turn lights and sources? I do not want integrated with tail light. I also do not want micro LEDs. I want something that fits the 2003 era monster style and is ideally bolt on, although I do have access to machine shop to make adapters if needed. thanks- mitt Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: stopintime on August 25, 2023, 12:49:23 AM Another Flounder!!! Good that you kept the Monster.
Stock beer tray? Anything BUT stock will look strange because most/all are designed to fit on a flat large'ish surface, with straight stalks, versus stock which are formed to fit. Another issue is that two out of the three holes on a stock solution will be empty if you choose a generic after market light (yes, there are adapter plates to hide the holes). Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: mitt on August 25, 2023, 04:15:29 AM Yes, stock beer tray but have a plate relocator. Looks like the oem signals use a 6mm bolt. I was wondering about the extra holes and anti rotation.
While taking stuff apart last night I can't find one of these spacers that go into the rubber isolators. Must of dropped out and rolled [bang] https://www.flickr.com/photos/26466518@N02/53139835762 (https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53139835762_82c0464b7e_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2oXMxNS)spacerz (https://flic.kr/p/2oXMxNS) by mitt1000 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/26466518@N02/), on Flickr Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2023, 04:38:34 AM Are OEM not available, too expensive, or undesirable?
Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: stopintime on August 25, 2023, 04:57:05 AM .... those spacers like their freedom more than serving us.
Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: mitt on August 25, 2023, 05:21:20 AM Are OEM not available, too expensive, or undesirable? I haven't checked yet. I might just go with OEM if I don't see any aftermarket I like. Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: stopintime on August 25, 2023, 05:52:53 AM I have the smaller tray and went with these, with 23 watt bulbs. They have a few hundred options. Scroll a little.
https://www.motorcyclestorehouse.com/product/940888 Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: ducpainter on August 25, 2023, 05:59:08 AM I haven't checked yet. I might just go with OEM if I don't see any aftermarket I like. Personally, I like the OEM signals on the M series Monsters as well as anything else I've seen.Looks like they're available for $40 and change. Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: Howie on August 25, 2023, 06:14:45 AM Yep, just looked them up on Ducati Omaha.
If that spacer is for the tail light, new part number 7161411A pack for 3 for $6.36. Welcome back Mitt! Title: Re: Finally my 2003 oem rear turn signal broke Post by: mitt on November 21, 2023, 07:31:14 PM Yep, just looked them up on Ducati Omaha. If that spacer is for the tail light, new part number 7161411A pack for 3 for $6.36. Welcome back Mitt! Thanks for the welcome back!. An update after a little wait for parts, I did order a replacement and the spacers from Ducati Omaha. Came from factory. I installed it, and then like I anticipated it was enough different in the lens color than the 20 year old other signal I had to order a new one for it also so they matched. Everything good now! mitt |