Title: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: DucHead on March 13, 2024, 02:11:44 PM No one? ;D
Woot!! [Dolph] How 'bout Acosta? Certainly he knew his tires wouldn't last, no? Was he proving a point? Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: stopintime on March 13, 2024, 03:02:29 PM If it wasn't realistic that he'd win, second best is to show off a little. The public now believe he's a contender - which is a lot better than a back marker.
Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: ducpainter on March 13, 2024, 03:05:30 PM The kid's fast.
He'll be a force in the future, Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: bdfinally on March 14, 2024, 07:34:31 AM I'm sure he's getting that side look from Jack now.
Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: ducpainter on March 14, 2024, 02:33:50 PM I'm sure he's getting that side look from Jack now. Pretty sure Pedro will have Jack's seat next year. The question in my mind is what does KTM do with Jack. I think he's too valuable to kick to the curb.It'll be interesting. Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: kopfjäger on March 14, 2024, 07:59:22 PM “The Shark”
https://youtu.be/kLNqETzyyJc?si=HRtC3-_9wVC0BiBJ Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: DucHead on March 19, 2024, 02:09:27 PM Pretty sure Pedro will have Jack's seat next year. The question in my mind is what does KTM do with Jack. I think he's too valuable to kick to the curb. It'll be interesting. Agreed, but I like Jack! Title: Re: MotoGP - Qatar (spoilers, sorta) Post by: ducpainter on March 19, 2024, 02:25:12 PM Agreed, but I like Jack! So do I... |