Title: Dodge Hellcat vs Andrea Iannone and Panigale V4 Post by: paso87 on June 01, 2024, 08:29:02 AM .Found this video on the World Superbike site. World Superbike rider Andrea Iannone riding a Ducati Panigale V4 have a drag race at the Assen track in Holland. it is more a advertisement for Dodge but is nice to see Dodge being a sponsor.
https://www.worldsbk.com/en/videos/2024/2024%20WorldSBK%20Dodge%20Iannone%20INOUT?from_list=mostviewed_videos Title: Re: Dodge Hellcat vs Andrea Iannone and Panigale V4 Post by: stopintime on June 01, 2024, 09:53:37 AM I don't like that guy, at all, but cool video and good publicity.