Title: 2009 M696 Fuel Line Gaskets Post by: rohan696 on July 28, 2024, 01:44:15 PM Hello,
Does anybody happen to have PNs for the o-rings installed on higher assemblies PN 590.1.329.1A (delivery) and 590.1.330.1A (return)? If not, what shop recommendations do you have to source aftermarket viton or nitrile o-rings? I thought CA-cycleworks would have them, but didn't see one on their website. Thanks. Title: Re: 2009 M696 Fuel Line Gaskets Post by: stopintime on July 28, 2024, 02:51:41 PM I'd assume there are auto supply shops that carry these simple o-rings... ?
If not, or only in big expensive kits - they are about $40 each. Title: Re: 2009 M696 Fuel Line Gaskets Post by: rohan696 on July 28, 2024, 03:06:18 PM Thanks, I did find some viton and nitrile o-rings at harbor freight, but am skeptical about the quality. I'll check other auto parts stores as well.