Title: Blinker Control Post by: Mhanis on August 14, 2024, 04:15:47 PM While highway riding my blinkers started acting wonky (technical term). I would have to move the thumb lever 2-3 times before the blinkers would activate. Then, I swear it is true: I pushed the lever one way, and the opposite blinkers came on. Eventually the right blinkers quit working all together, the left still works. When I push the lever right I do not get the blinker indicator on my dash either.
Does this point towards the switch housing unit on the handlebar? I think it does, without testing anything, I just wanted to run it by you guys. Mark Title: Re: Blinker Control Post by: Mhanis on August 17, 2024, 02:26:48 PM Well, I went ahead and ordered a replacement, I'll let ya's know if it fixes my problem.
Mark Title: Re: Blinker Control Post by: Orange16 on August 24, 2024, 04:25:58 AM With luck it will be the switch, but I would be surprised. The indicator control is inside the gauges, and unless you can find someone who can fix it, you will need to replace the gauge assembly. The switch is simply earth inputs into the gauges.
Title: Re: eBlinker Control Post by: koko64 on September 23, 2024, 02:39:37 PM Sometimes moisture in the dash does that. Get drenched in torrential rain? Borrow a hair dryer and open the dash up if that's the case. You may want to beef up the dash seal too. Switchblocks can bugger up though. Moisture displacing electrical spray from an auto shop is a good thing if you live in a rainy area.