Title: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: Privateer on September 22, 2024, 04:36:08 PM Has anyone fitted these who can speak to, high level, the difficulty of installing at home?
https://motowheels.com/i-23906044-andreani-misano-evo-adjustable-hydraulic-cartridges-for-showa-43-ducati-monster-s2r-1000-2004-2007.html Title: Re: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: stopintime on September 22, 2024, 10:50:18 PM [popcorn]
Title: Re: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: koko64 on September 22, 2024, 11:47:08 PM You might be fine doing it, but I would suggest using a good suspension shop. You order them yet?
Title: Re: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: Privateer on September 23, 2024, 05:45:06 PM You might be fine doing it, but I would suggest using a good suspension shop. You order them yet? No, I was hoping for someone to talk me out of it, or talk me into something that wasn't $600 for a 20 year old bike. it seems like it's just dismantling the old 'guts' and replacing the guts with the new cartidges. But I'm afraid I'll get 1/3 of the way through, get stuck, and then be even deeper in it. Title: Re: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: koko64 on September 24, 2024, 03:54:20 AM I would discuss options for your forks with a suspension shop. Some shops can graft on parts from other models or makes to get the job done that might give a better bang for buck. They can transplant and modify other valves and play with shim stacks to get a major improvement. Then you can measure the bang for buck ratio.
Title: Re: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: stopintime on September 24, 2024, 05:07:04 AM I would discuss options for your forks with a suspension shop. Some shops can graft on parts from other models or makes to get the job done that might give a better bang for buck. They can transplant and modify other valves and play with shim stacks to get a major improvement. Then you can measure the bang for buck ratio. Yes! Title: Re: Misano fork cartidge home install? Post by: MonsterHPD on September 24, 2024, 07:20:33 AM On some Misano kits you have to separate the fork foot from one of the legs, and on some you don't. Helped a friend to install a kit on r
his Scrambler 800, had to on that one. If you don't have to, it should be possible to do "at home". Check with the dealer which sort this is. |