Title: Looking Forward to a great new board Post by: Some Dude on May 07, 2008, 03:17:34 PM I was a long time lurker at that other board. I joined it when they just had the email list. I just put my 99 m900s back together after having it all torn apart for the last 8 years (I'm a procrastinator) I wrecked it in 99 and decided I needed it to be faster.
Bike Info 99 m900s Sbk forks 41mm FCR's Dyna coils 944 hi comp pistons new valves and cams aluminum fly wheel & clutch basket Title: Re: Looking Forward to a great new board Post by: stopintime on May 07, 2008, 03:28:12 PM You don't need to look very far - it's here already - I think we're all very welcome.