Title: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 29, 2008, 02:50:20 PM ...get ready! http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=8047.0 Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 30, 2008, 10:34:14 AM ...STOP THE POSTING!!! THIS IS OVERWELMING!! ;D so i guess we cant count on your bikes huh? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: joekarati on July 30, 2008, 11:27:11 AM you can use mine dude, garrett's prolly down...and matt and ryan too!
Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 30, 2008, 11:49:30 AM ...yeah, thats what i was thinking... prolly by that time, derby will be one of you too... ex-monster owners now just polluting the forum *tisk*tisk* ...the three of ya should stop clogging our forum with your non-ducati-crap! [roll] Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: sqweak on July 30, 2008, 02:18:45 PM Can't go.
I'll be at Italian Bike Day. Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 30, 2008, 03:05:28 PM ha! well, Ducati Day tought me that relying on the suport and help of "friends" and club members was not going to cut it ;D so... it looks like DNA is happy to help out and suport...had already few emails going back and forth... plan on find getting Riders for Health involved in the next few days. ...let me try this again, just in case :) Anyone who would like to help out? Anyone can provide a sponsor? any help is welcome :) Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: erkishhorde on July 30, 2008, 03:21:05 PM Not quite sure what you're looking for. I don't have the money or time to find my way overseas but if we were to do a gathering down here then I'd come out for it. Not sure what I can do to help organization-wise. I don't know anybody really.
Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: Speeddog on July 30, 2008, 04:59:19 PM We'll all go drive go-karts afterward, right?
Then off to Bodega for some beers? Seriously, where are you thinking of trying to do this? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: gm2 on July 31, 2008, 06:51:04 AM Seriously, where are you thinking of trying to do this? what he said... what are you trying to do, wait until after the belgium meet then organize one somewhere in the states in order to make it a larger meet? where, what kind of help.. why don't you use LDD? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: Grampa on July 31, 2008, 08:14:51 AM LDD is too small, and odds are, getting people from the south and the east to make the trip..... are slim. I think a more centralized Cali location like Morro Bay make more sense. A few hours from the north, a few hours from the south, a few hours from the east. An easy day trip for most people, plus...there are good roads to run getting there.
Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: madmatt on July 31, 2008, 08:25:47 AM you can use mine dude, garrett's prolly down...and matt and ryan too! for sure, in. I'll bring my monster...its just not a bike. Luca's familiar with it. Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 31, 2008, 08:54:44 AM what he said... what are you trying to do, wait until after the belgium meet then organize one somewhere in the states in order to make it a larger meet? where, what kind of help.. why don't you use LDD? LDD is too small, and odds are, getting people from the south and the east to make the trip..... are slim. I think a more centralized Cali location like Morro Bay make more sense. A few hours from the north, a few hours from the south, a few hours from the east. An easy day trip for most people, plus...there are good roads to run getting there. ...as we discussed on the phoneand yes, the intent is to see what the Belgium guys do and then beat their record somewhere here on the West coast. I asked Ducati to let me know where the most Monsters were sold and turns out that, infact, SF and the SoCal area do pretty good :) ...to my surprize, NY does great too ??? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 31, 2008, 08:58:36 AM ...can enyone offer to host a url? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: sqweak on July 31, 2008, 09:41:54 AM we've got socaldmc and socalmonsters, pick one ;)
...or do you mean you want to register another domain and need hosting? In any case, I'm sure one of the 4 or so of us that have hosting capabilities can help out. Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 31, 2008, 10:53:03 AM well, what we need is a specific URL for the event and someone who can spare some time to keep up with it...
i think all it will need is a few pages: home description of the event application page ...not much more but we do need someone who has the spare time to keep up with the updates... ;D i dont know crappp about the intraweb and in my mind a web page works like so: someone hosts a site and someone else designs the page....correct? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 31, 2008, 11:03:16 AM Not quite sure what you're looking for. I don't have the money or time to find my way overseas but if we were to do a gathering down here then I'd come out for it. Not sure what I can do to help organization-wise. I don't know anybody really. ...no money unless you want to donate it to the cause :) probably some flyer distriution or word of mouth sorta thing... :) Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 31, 2008, 11:10:44 AM We'll all go drive go-karts afterward, right? Then off to Bodega for some beers? Seriously, where are you thinking of trying to do this? ...still dont know but somwhere between SF and LA is where it makes more sense...althogh Bodega is tempting ;D Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: sqweak on July 31, 2008, 11:27:06 AM i dont know crappp about the intraweb and in my mind a web page works like so: someone hosts a site and someone else designs the page....correct? There are three parts the page(s) I imagine you just want a flyer style page with info and a few other pages. Not a big deal. the computer hosting them I'm sure one of us can give you space an address to get to them This is what i was referring to. You could have www.lucazumassuperbigpantslessworldrecordattempt.com and point it at the pages. Or you could just use www.socaldmc.com/record/ Either will accomplish the same goal. Why don't you do some basic planning and see what you want and need? It's a little bit of a reach to bad mouth the group as being unwilling/unreliable to help when you don't tell anyone what the plan is and then freak out when people don't rush to make it work at a moments notice. Can I help you with a website today for a record attempt next week? no. Could I if the attempt was next summer and you had reasonable timeframes for when you'd have things to update, what they'd say, etc? Probably. Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: TiNi on July 31, 2008, 11:54:12 AM i think that we should sit tight and not generate any incentive for the MOB (belgians) ...
if they know were going to attempt after them they may try harder... sit tight until they set the bar ;) Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: gm2 on July 31, 2008, 11:56:23 AM ----------for easyness i am locking this thread to leave THIS ONE (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=8047.0) active only--------------------------------------------- you sure about that? Title: Re: DUCATI MONSTER WORLD RECORD Post by: lucazuma on July 31, 2008, 11:56:50 AM ....aaaaaaaa....i was not bad mouthing anyone (i would apreciate you not even mentioning such things). I just stated what had hapend last time:
had an idea proposed it to the public lots of "yes sure lets do it!" and then too few steped up to the plate...thats just how it was. No rush no hurry. You, your self are a verry busy guy, as a matter of fact when you offered help to set up SoCalDMC (thanks ;D ) you were so busy i had to ask Garrett (thanks ;D )to take over... I apreciate your input, info and help but i REALLY cant do much with "probably". People cant relie on "probably". Thats why Ducati Day never took off....too many probably and not enough commitment. I am glad to do this for a charity and for FUN! Me and who ever gets in this cant be chasing people down for the help they have offered to "probably" give. my point, i guess, is that all help is welcome but PLEASE dont offer help if you are not willing/cant follow up on it ;D so...back to the topic now... there is verry little basic planning here... 1) location=somewhere between LA and SF 2) date=sometime next summer 2) get a charity involved=riders for health(i hope) 3) find sponsors You are correct. What we need is a simple site as i describe it in the OTHER (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=8047.0) thread :) i would think that a specific address URL would be better than a sub/address of SoCalDMC alone so i think both :) ----------for easyness i am locking this thread to leave THIS ONE (http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=8047.0) active only--------------------------------------------- |