Title: "Summer of Cycles" - June 6 - Sept. or Oct. (?) Post by: Stella on July 31, 2008, 07:02:29 AM Was just sent this link: http://www.mathewscollection.com/news/arvada_center_motorcycle_exhibit.htm
There are conflicting dates as to when the exhibit ends. This link says Oct. 5 and the Arvada Center's site says through Sept. 7. Either way, there is still time. Their hours aren't friendly to the working schmucks so maybe before or after a Saturday or Sunday ride.... Just a thought. There is also a companion exhibit – "Spokes" (two-wheeled, non-moto). Ending Aug. 31st. I'd love to see that one too. (I wonder if we got a large enough group if they'd extend the hours.....hmmmm....) Anyone? Anyone? Title: Re: "Summer of Cycles" - June 6 - Sept. or Oct. (?) Post by: Fresh Pants on July 31, 2008, 07:10:42 AM I'm game. Of course, I'm not part of the working stiff's group at the moment. ;)
Title: Re: "Summer of Cycles" - June 6 - Sept. or Oct. (?) Post by: Stella on July 31, 2008, 07:13:16 AM I'm game. Of course, I'm not part of the working stiff's group at the moment. ;) Maybe you could do a walk-through for us today (or tomorrow or...) ;) Title: Re: "Summer of Cycles" - June 6 - Sept. or Oct. (?) Post by: Fresh Pants on July 31, 2008, 07:28:56 AM I could actually...
Title: Re: "Summer of Cycles" - June 6 - Sept. or Oct. (?) Post by: Randimus Maximus on August 18, 2008, 05:33:40 PM This is a pretty cool collection of bikes, and the exhibit is free [thumbsup]
I'd post pics, but if you go to the link Stella posted, you'd find my pics redundant. |