might go cheap!
and another... (
wanna nice ones? go Rizoma - also unique ... due to high price ... but sooo classy
might suit someones bike with the right accessories. I'd be interested to see the second set on a monster, I can't quite imagine what it would look like.
not something I am looking for right now, just found them while having an ebay trawl at morning tea :)
rizomas are nice, but where are the black pics?
Anyone sprayed their stock covers? I might do that if I get some time on the weekend...
Quote from: melvin on August 05, 2008, 05:30:33 PM
wanna nice ones? go Rizoma - also unique ... due to high price ... but sooo classy
Unique? nah everyone has got 'em.
.... well everyone in our household anyway [cheeky] ;D
Hi Kursed.
I recently bought some genuine black covers...Fleabay $43 inc postage!!!! Poor mans Carbon!!!
Madest Alf
pics my good man! I need pics!
are they stock black or were they painted?
I might have a crack at spraying my own, if it fails I can always get some more stock ones from fleabay.
Anyone know the best method to recolour that kind of plastic part? I guess it would get pretty warm, so it might need a particular type of heat resistant paint might it not? (
i painted my stock ones black, it kind of soaked up the paint. Then i cut them up. Then i remooved them all together. Im gonna make something in carbon
thanks - might have known someone had already done it and posted about it here~!
Quote from: Betty on August 05, 2008, 06:57:36 PM (
Hi Kursed.
They are stock black.
Quote from: melvin on August 05, 2008, 05:30:33 PM
wanna nice ones? go Rizoma - also unique ... due to high price ... but sooo classy
Rizoma, unique? Classy yes, but hardly unique... High cost doesn't seem to be a barrier for most here, once you have the modification bug forget about the $$$ [evil]
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 05:46:08 PM
might suit someones bike with the right accessories. I'd be interested to see the second set on a monster, I can't quite imagine what it would look like.
Industrial_grrl on the DMF used to have the 1st ones, I have the second ones albeit without the red mesh, and I bought them off R_usty. You might find some pics on the bikes of the dmf thread in the main forum.
I agree with Kursed, it all depends on what you're going for. Industrial_grrl's bike was absolutely suited to the covers she had. In the case of Melvin's bike I'd also agree with his comments - he has gone for a refined finish look, and as such both would not suit what he has made.
Why did I buy mine? I wanted open covers and they are not that common, so in a sense yeah it was unique - I don't really have a theme for my bike, just replaced a few bits and I'll leave it for that - I want to focus my time and money on being a better rider at the moment (and maybe proper setup of my suspension!), so the bling that I have is enough for me for now <ducks for cover!>. Maybe later, I'll build a project bike that will be truly unique and mine - right now my little M800 is fine for me..
Anyway, all good to get differing perspectives on it ....
Quote from: goldFiSh on August 05, 2008, 08:41:03 PM
Rizoma, unique? Classy yes, but hardly unique...
really? how many have you seen in real life? ........ even during last ride? out of 13 or 14 bikes, how many had Rizoma belt covers?
ok, go Riding House way than HA! one and only so far and i know the guy who has it ..... and that's unique ;)
Quote from: melvin on August 05, 2008, 08:55:37 PM
really? how many have you seen in real life? ........ even during last ride? out of 13 or 14 bikes, how many had Rizoma belt covers?
I think Betty's response was somewhat tongue in cheek. At least 2 bikes had Rizoma covers last Saturday... Betty's and Jukie's :)
I can't help it. I covet others bling.
i've read this
that's 2 out of 14 ... and from one household @ that ....... hardly a huge percentage ........
i still reckon that Rizoma's are unique purely because of their price, not a low production volume..
......but enough digressing from the original topic
Quote from: melvin on August 05, 2008, 09:21:26 PM
......but enough digressing from the original topic
serious!? this is great. I lol at the evolution of posts on this forum. The discussion never really stay on topic. it makes for more interesting reading. [beer]
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 05:46:08 PM
might suit someones bike with the right accessories. I'd be interested to see the second set on a monster, I can't quite imagine what it would look like.
not something I am looking for right now, just found them while having an ebay trawl at morning tea :)
rizomas are nice, but where are the black pics?
Anyone sprayed their stock covers? I might do that if I get some time on the weekend...
yep i sprayed mine , but not with any paint i used bumber paint you get a primer for plastic and then spray whatever colour you like stick like sh@t to a blanket and cheep mode that looks good look at my bling photos cheers bazz
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 09:48:03 PM
serious!? this is great .........
fine than [evil]
I dig the frame plugs too. got to find me some of those.
A perspex window would look even better than the mesh in the belt covers I reckon. Looks good though!
heres a better pic
thats it. thats the look I would want. the nice basic black. to me it works better than CF in this particular spot.
bazz can you explain the process you used in a bit more detail? whats bumber paint? spelling issue? lol
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 10:13:55 PM
I dig the frame plugs too. got to find me some of those.
these are STM plugs
speedymoto make the nicest ones in my opinion.
Thanks Bazz.
I was wondering what they were going to look like, have to get my arse into gear and fit them.
I've checked my covers part numbers, but they are the same as the grey....... A A
My 2 cents for the day.
Quote from: loony888 on August 06, 2008, 12:27:24 AM
speedymoto make the nicest ones in my opinion.
The best ones of what Paul?
Frame plugs or belt covers, cause I have there belt covers (loosely used term) and some neat frame plugs.
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 10:46:36 PM
thats it. thats the look I would want. the nice basic black. to me it works better than CF in this particular spot.
bazz can you explain the process you used in a bit more detail? whats bumber paint? spelling issue? lol
ok sorry for being so long been out in the workshop building rocket motors , any way go to your local hardware or paint store and you need to cans the first is plastic primer its call flexy prime and does what the name says
then in the same brand youll need the top coat it call car bumper paint now comes the fun part depending on the type of finish you want , if you spray spasley you can get a bumppy look spray it on thick and you get a nice smooth look you get the point , this paint is made for plastic so is flexable and wont peel or flack just a little warning dont youse thinners to clean covers youse wax and grease remover first youll find that at the same paint stand dock will know what that is, primer dries in 20 minutes top coate should be left over night in a warm place cheers bazz
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 05:46:08 PM
not something I am looking for right now, just found them while having an ebay trawl at morning tea :)
its been listed before, didn't hit the reserve. I was watching that too. I bloody hate the hidden reserves, you never really know what they expect for it and it can be a massive waste of time.
great bike though. I'd swipe it in a hot second if it was going for under 15.5k
phew, 15.5K? you're dreamin', pal ;D
email him and ask for a reserve price, deduct ebay charges which he will have to pay after the successful ending and make him an offer he can't refuse. he already has paid through the nose for listing as the listing with a reserve costs a ton
wonder what he wants for it as last time it reached 17K and nothing........
tell me about it!!! Not really serious about buying it, I just bought the s2r :)
If it was under 15.5k I would buy it knowing it was the farking sale of the century. but yeah, thats not really going to happen [laugh]
I know he will probs be asking 18 - 19k for it.
just looked @ his other auctions ....... that's the guy from the youtube clip (waza they call him) gianni posted some time ago with a tricolore .......... and a "fox on the run" background music [roll] .........
Yeah, he's from the DOC NSW club, and I think he most likely wants good $$$ for both bikes.
yeah, read his description with a font size for blind people ;D
It kinda shouts, I WANT MONEY......
Quote from: mattyvas on August 06, 2008, 10:25:16 PM
It kinda shouts, I WANT MONEY......
i actually find it tacky; like the idiotic soundtrack; and in a way offensive ......... sort of like: read, morons, and if you don't like it than piss off .......... hardly an attitude of a seller
Quote from: kursed on August 05, 2008, 09:48:03 PM
serious!? this is great. I lol at the evolution of posts on this forum. The discussion never really stay on topic. it makes for more interesting reading. [beer]
there you go, mate
funny how we've reached the sledging stage via various detours ............. so what was the original topic again?
hahaha tell me about it. I think the random diversion of the week goes to you for posting a bike for sale in a thread supposedly about timing cover options :)
I talked to the Duc parts guys at frasers today and they can get the black oem covers if I want them, though I think I will spray my own first and see how they go. there back on topic again [wine]
Bit late in posting and from belt covers to frame plugs to someone selling bikes. :-\
Home Made..... :P
Quote from: Super T.I.B on August 06, 2008, 10:43:42 PM
Home Made..... :P
that i like .......... would look better painted ........... you two can share a can (of spray) since you don't have too much surface to paint ...... that will leave you extra coin for beer and meat tray ......... [evil] had to!!! [evil]
i photochopped up a pic to see how it will look with black covers now I have the termis and vortex cover on the bike.... looks hawt!! going to have to do the painting now... [beer]
Kursed I think the black covers will work well with your bike. I don't normally comment on people's mods but I just thought it works in well with the things you have done.
all done! I won't post another pic as it looks just like the photochop.
Bazz, you had the right idea I got the exact products you mentioned and they worked a bloody treat. cleaned up the covers after making my knuckles bleed getting them off, gave them a prep coat and then did a layer of colour after 30 mins and left it overnight. This morn I did another light coat to get it all even and at 4 I whacked them back on. Much easier to reinstall than remove thats for certain. I also did the grey plastic front chain guard on the other side too, that came out mint.
I have 2 nearly full cans of the primer and top coat in matt black if anyone wants to do theirs at a garage day or something let me know and I will bring them.
Quote from: kursed on August 09, 2008, 12:23:48 AM
all done! I won't post another pic as it looks just like the photochop.
Bazz, you had the right idea I got the exact products you mentioned and they worked a bloody treat. cleaned up the covers after making my knuckles bleed getting them off, gave them a prep coat and then did a layer of colour after 30 mins and left it overnight. This morn I did another light coat to get it all even and at 4 I whacked them back on. Much easier to reinstall than remove thats for certain. I also did the grey plastic front chain guard on the other side too, that came out mint.
I have 2 nearly full cans of the primer and top coat in matt black if anyone wants to do theirs at a garage day or something let me know and I will bring them.
glad i could help [thumbsup]