Title: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Mugen939 on August 09, 2008, 10:56:21 AM Anyone getting it? How are their products usually?
(https://lh5.ggpht.com/mugen939/SJ3nyBGX0ZI/AAAAAAAAAUI/x0nUywRxAOA/144c_1.JPG) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Xiphias on August 09, 2008, 12:14:11 PM Can't see it. But I've ordered a competition werkes fender eliminator for my CBR
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Rameses on August 09, 2008, 12:28:32 PM Can't see it. But I've order a competition werkes fender eliminator for my CBR Jeff's selling them at monsterparts.com (http://www.monsterparts.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=MP&Product_Code=1DMON&Attributes=Yes&Quantity=1). But I think the one pictured in the link is the one for the original Monster. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Mugen939 on August 09, 2008, 12:34:10 PM this should work
(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/gonzo221/144c_1.jpg) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: gearhead on August 09, 2008, 01:28:49 PM Quote One word of warning, after chopping off the tail, it's pretty much impossible to easily restore the bike to factory trim, at least without welding. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: flanman on August 09, 2008, 01:39:10 PM Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on August 09, 2008, 01:41:31 PM the 696 doesnt have rails past the seat. nothing to chop.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zedsaid on August 11, 2008, 02:07:35 PM if it works and lets me lock the seat, i'm thinking "hells yeah."
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: pjfa on August 11, 2008, 03:53:02 PM this should work (http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y32/gonzo221/144c_1.jpg) I already order mine after reading this: Well here it is, Kinda dissapointed at the quality of the plastic base. Also the kit came with the euro plate frame so I had to do some drilling and chopping. I didnt send it back because of desperation of waiting so long for this kit. And this:Dan..(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn165/dsamRus/IMG_2366_1.jpg)(http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn165/dsamRus/IMG_2371.jpg) This is the DP kit ordered from the dealer. The installation was was basicly a parts swap with the addition of some extra long screws,spacers and brackets etc.. The instructions where poor/dark photo copies which slowed the build. If I had to do it over again, I would wait for the aftermarket for something less expensive or better quality. Now, I´ll wait until delivery [coffee] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: nkryptit on August 12, 2008, 04:05:18 AM Out of stock already...Damn...
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Calibretto on August 12, 2008, 10:13:47 AM Is there any permanent modification required for this? the 696's tail is connected to the undertail storage. Did Competition werkes mold a new piece of plastic and everything?
DP is taking entirely too long on their kit to get released here so this one is tempting but I dont want to hack anything off the bike that is permanent. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: cmorgan47 on August 12, 2008, 12:07:27 PM i sent an email to them yesterday. from their response, there are no permenant modifications required.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Carman on August 14, 2008, 01:41:09 AM I got their kit for my Monster worked nice, have already modified their modification, but it was simple to install, I'm sure this kit will be as good of quality.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: pjfa on August 14, 2008, 06:21:00 AM I got their kit for my Monster worked nice, have already modified their modification, but it was simple to install, I'm sure this kit will be as good of quality. Still waiting for mine and i will paint it black [thumbsup] So, can you tell us what mood you´ve done? Pics if possible [popcorn] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Carman on August 14, 2008, 08:30:27 AM I can get you a pic when I get back home in September, at work now.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: BomberHead on August 15, 2008, 07:35:29 PM out of stock, huh? i wonder how long before theu are back in stock
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 17, 2008, 07:43:47 AM Has anyone received the 696 kit from competition werkes yet? If so can you post more pics of it and describe any mods made to install. Thank you!
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: andym on August 18, 2008, 11:16:24 AM I received mine today. I will fit it when I get time but this may not be until the weekend.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 18, 2008, 11:58:40 AM Great! Please post pictures when you can. I want to see how the install goes. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Sac Monster on August 18, 2008, 12:14:50 PM We just got these in stock. We should have one on our project bike by the end of the day. The instructions look good, lots of pictures so I think these will be a relatively easy install. There are a lot of small parts included though.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 18, 2008, 12:46:51 PM We just got these in stock. We should have one on our project bike by the end of the day. The instructions look good, lots of pictures so I think these will be a relatively easy install. There are a lot of small parts included though. If you could post some pics I would really appreciate it. Does it come with a light for the license plate? I'll be making an order as soon as I can get some other views of it. Thanks again. ;D Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Sac Monster on August 18, 2008, 07:38:21 PM Here are some pics, tomorrow we will pull the bike out to get some better ones. We only have one of these kits left in stock at this time, more will be on their way. Overall this a good kit for the money, it took about 45 minutes to install. They made it so that if you end up putting an intergrated turnsignal in the back you can actually move the license plate further back and not run seperate turn signals.
(http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00736.jpg) (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6587&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=m696&collection=) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00737.jpg) (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6587&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=m696&collection=) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00738.jpg) (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6587&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=m696&collection=) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00745.jpg) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00739.jpg) (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6587&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=m696&collection=) (http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e344/Motowheelscom/Motowheels%20696/DSC00743.jpg) (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6587&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=m696&collection=) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: russelson on August 18, 2008, 08:28:29 PM Looks great! Order placed. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: BaZgA on August 18, 2008, 10:39:30 PM Here are some pics, tomorrow we will pull the bike out to get some better ones. We only have one of these kits left in stock at this time, more will be on their way. Overall this a good kit for the money, it took about 45 minutes to install. They made it so that if you end up putting an intergrated turnsignal in the back you can actually move the license plate further back and not run seperate turn signals. Can you post some pictures with plate further back, and do you have some kind of integrated turnsignal light in store? I send email with inquiry of delivering to Croatia (can not proceed with checkout on your web shop if country is Croatia) TNX P.S. Is that LED plate light? If so, maybe it would look good with red LED Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 19, 2008, 04:03:07 AM Thanks for the pictures guys! I'm glad I placed an order yesterday. I can't wait to get it on my bike. [thumbsup]
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: nkryptit on August 19, 2008, 04:21:31 AM Thanks for the pictures guys! I'm glad I placed an order yesterday. I can't wait to get it on my bike. [thumbsup] Amen brother...These kits have been harder than hard to lay hands on. Ordered mine last night when I noticed they only had 2 left. Selling like hotcakes. Aside from the mirrors, this is one of the biggest thing I think you can do for your monster. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Sac Monster on August 19, 2008, 08:54:06 AM Can you post some pictures with plate further back, and do you have some kind of integrated turnsignal light in store? I send email with inquiry of delivering to Croatia (can not proceed with checkout on your web shop if country is Croatia) TNX P.S. Is that LED plate light? If so, maybe it would look good with red LED We don't have an intergrated light in stock, we just know they will come out with one eventually. I have to check with Clear Alternatives to see if they are planning production yet. The plate light is LED, doesn't light up much though. I will check with Competition to see if they can do them in red as well. As for your order you should hear back from Glenn, we can use paypal instead or run your card manually. If you don't hear back from Glenn just send me a PM. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Sac Monster on August 19, 2008, 09:49:01 AM Clear Alternatives is looking at the end of the year or earlly next year on the intergrated light for the 696.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: nkryptit on August 19, 2008, 10:19:21 AM Clear Alternatives is looking at the end of the year or earlly next year on the intergrated light for the 696. Do you happen to have a price on a stock tail light for the 696...I've got some ideas in my head, but don't want to destroy my only tail light. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: BaZgA on August 19, 2008, 11:47:35 AM We don't have an intergrated light in stock, we just know they will come out with one eventually. I have to check with Clear Alternatives to see if they are planning production yet. The plate light is LED, doesn't light up much though. I will check with Competition to see if they can do them in red as well. As for your order you should hear back from Glenn, we can use paypal instead or run your card manually. If you don't hear back from Glenn just send me a PM. TNX Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: andym on August 19, 2008, 01:35:26 PM I painted mine black before fitting it, I think it looks great.
I have not included any pictures whilst fitting it as Sac Monster did a great job of that. Fitting is easy, just do not fit the plate light until it is mounted on the bike (as in Sac Monsters pictures) I fitted it as per the instructions and had to remove it to get to the fixing nuts. The plate light does not appear to light up much of the plate, hopefully this will not be an issue with the plod. (http://i35.tinypic.com/2v84riv.jpg) (http://i36.tinypic.com/akv0rb.jpg) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 19, 2008, 02:05:48 PM This thing is just getting better. I like it black. [thumbsup] What kind of paint did you use? Primer and steel wool to prep it?
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zedsaid on August 19, 2008, 02:16:57 PM Now that's what i'm talking about!!!!
[bacon] [bacon] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: andym on August 19, 2008, 02:35:05 PM This thing is just getting better. I like it black. [thumbsup] What kind of paint did you use? Primer and steel wool to prep it? I used Rust-oleum high heat paint, I just roughed up the surface with some sandpaper and cleaned it before painting 5 or 6 coats. I was expecting a slightly glossier finish but the matt works well. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Sac Monster on August 19, 2008, 03:27:37 PM I like it in black, we were in too much of a rush to get it on and thought of that a little too late and. I am waiting to hear back from CW if they will do some in black for us.
COMPETITION WERKES Fender Eliminator Kit: M696 (http://www.motowheels.com/italian/mySearchResult.cfm?parentcategoryid=&productID=6587&showDetail=1&categoryID=858|Ducati%20Monster%20Misc&vendoridtodisplay=0&filterFor=696&collection=) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: golgofett on August 20, 2008, 09:33:30 PM This might be a stupid question but would it be better to prime the kit prior to painting or just sand it a bit then paint?
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: andym on August 21, 2008, 06:41:04 AM This might be a stupid question but would it be better to prime the kit prior to painting or just sand it a bit then paint? I just followed the instructions on the can. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 24, 2008, 11:12:13 AM I installed my eliminator kit today and it took about an hour. It's very well made and has two options for the placement of the plate. I think that was already mentioned in this thread. I also painted mine black and it looks great. I'll be posting pictures on the thread below sometime in the next couple days. http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=9404.0
I also have my rearsets and headlight cover back on my bike after they were powdercoated black. I just have to take some pics and upload them. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: mrplease on August 30, 2008, 10:13:15 PM would it be better to have it powder coated or painted black?
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Murdered Monster on August 31, 2008, 06:19:12 AM Powder coated would be better, but would cost more. I just used a rattle can. Worked good.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: russelson on August 31, 2008, 09:19:08 AM Same here. Roughed it up a bit with some 400 grit sandpaper first, then painted away. Worked great. I was too anxious to get it installed to take it to get powdercoated.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: BomberHead on August 31, 2008, 11:06:28 AM i put in a "Special Order" , lets see what happens. :D
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: moto on September 02, 2008, 03:11:37 PM The competition werkes kits are back in stock--we got 6 in today.
If you sent in a "special order" request, we will need payment and complete shipping information to complete the order. Please email sales@motowheels.com, call 916.369.2509 or just order it online. -M Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: pjfa on September 05, 2008, 01:59:05 PM Get mine 2 days ago [thumbsup]
After 2 hours, a little black paint and lots of pics... http://desmodromicamente.blogspot.com/2008/09/competition-werkes.html (http://desmodromicamente.blogspot.com/2008/09/competition-werkes.html) (http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/5135/imagem1uu2.png) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zLoki on September 07, 2008, 12:16:05 AM Here's mine...
(http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq269/scossio/IMG_0133.jpg) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on September 07, 2008, 09:54:12 AM Here's mine... (http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq269/scossio/IMG_0133.jpg) You HAVE to get the foot peg and carrier powder coated black. and the exhaust hangers Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zLoki on September 07, 2008, 10:28:41 AM lol, yeah I know. That and the fork. But those require more than just a couple of bolts a day of not riding so I'm putting it off for now.
[moto] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on September 07, 2008, 10:32:59 AM the exhaust hangers you could paint easily.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on September 07, 2008, 10:35:56 AM http://i360.photobucket.com/albums/oo43/ryanspencer74/Dark005.jpg
this is murdered monster's bike do the like and the hangers and ask him how hard it was for the rear hangers Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Takster on October 24, 2008, 10:49:53 AM I'm mid-install on the Comp-Werks tail kit, and I'm finding that the two rearmost bolts on the big flat piece interfere with the taillight assembly when I'm trying to bolt it together... Did you guys use the plastic spacers? Am I missing something?
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: jandie on October 24, 2008, 11:11:57 AM Get mine 2 days ago [thumbsup] After 2 hours, a little black paint and lots of pics... http://desmodromicamente.blogspot.com/2008/09/competition-werkes.html (http://desmodromicamente.blogspot.com/2008/09/competition-werkes.html) You should link that in the How To section - [thumbsup] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zLoki on October 24, 2008, 11:18:23 AM Well it had to happen, first ticket for the plate using the comp werks. This may be specific to California but I actually got the ticket for not having a red reflector.
I bent the plate a bit to make it more vertical. Careful not to bend to far. Then added the reflectors from the stock tail kit. It's easy enough but I did not bolt it on, a couple of ties on the top and bottom, attaching it behind the plate will work. Note the plate now only attaches via the bottom bolts, the signals on the top bolts. Pic will be forthcoming. This is pretty stable and is easy enough to snap off after getting it looked at by the [leo]. [moto] [evil] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Takster on October 24, 2008, 08:00:48 PM I'm mid-install on the Comp-Werks tail kit, and I'm finding that the two rearmost bolts on the big flat piece interfere with the taillight assembly when I'm trying to bolt it together... Did you guys use the plastic spacers? Am I missing something? Ok, i just figured it out... turns out I'm just not that bright [roll] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Holden on October 29, 2008, 02:18:09 PM Well it had to happen, first ticket for the plate using the comp werks. This may be specific to California but I actually got the ticket for not having a red reflector. I'm thinking of getting some of those glass (or plastic) jewel reflector license plate mounting bolts: Glass: http://www.debrix.com/items/item.aspx?itemid=1316685 (http://www.debrix.com/items/item.aspx?itemid=1316685) Plastic: http://www.prestomart.com/viewitem.php/classiccargoodies/pd401440/License_Plate_Bolts__Red_Reflectors__Set_of_Four_ (http://www.prestomart.com/viewitem.php/classiccargoodies/pd401440/License_Plate_Bolts__Red_Reflectors__Set_of_Four_) You think a couple of those would be a good enough (legal enough) cop-deterrent? or would they only be satisfied with something more like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/59988-72-Harley-License-Plate-Reflector_W0QQitemZ130224988113QQcmdZViewItem (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/59988-72-Harley-License-Plate-Reflector_W0QQitemZ130224988113QQcmdZViewItem) I wonder what the actual law says... Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucinKtown on January 19, 2009, 10:25:49 PM I installed mine tonight, took about an hour, but had the old fender off already, love the look.
Now lets melt the snow. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zLoki on January 19, 2009, 10:46:28 PM I wonder what the actual law says... Went to get the fix-it ticket cleared for not having reflectors and I had the small plastic ones (red) on all four holes of the plate. The officer said that was enough - he signed off the ticket and off I went. I've since taken two of them off (looks better) so maybe I'm in for another ticket but willing to chance it Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zLoki on January 19, 2009, 10:48:46 PM BTW - I've switched to the DP version of the tail, with the CW, I was wearing way too much of the road. Still get a bit with the DP one but it's MUCH better.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: w7ck7d on January 20, 2009, 04:04:26 AM here is some pic of mine
(http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i46/w7ck7d/my%20696/checkitout038.jpg) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on January 20, 2009, 04:27:46 AM well i officially road the bike to work today. and was even stopped by the german cops [leo] albeit for a random stop. I DID NOTHING WRONG. they did start to say the bike was too loud, but i said really... no.
but the looked at the R&G tidy tail and had no issues. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucinKtown on January 20, 2009, 06:50:36 AM w7ck7d, nice photo, bike looks great!!
Do you have any trouble not having rear lights? or do you have em in the light? Russ Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: mrplease on January 20, 2009, 08:29:44 AM and mine...
(powder coated it black & powder coated my hangars black) (http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh68/mrpleaseplease/monster/IMG_6176.jpg) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: w7ck7d on January 20, 2009, 11:30:51 PM w7ck7d, nice photo, bike looks great!! competition werkes comes with small LED lights..so i got em.Do you have any trouble not having rear lights? or do you have em in the light? Russ Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: zLoki on January 21, 2009, 12:30:35 AM here is some pic of mine (http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i46/w7ck7d/my%20696/checkitout038.jpg) Hey I cant tell from the pic to well but did you wrap or powder coat your pipes? Can you share what that entailed? How much did you have to take apart to get at everything? Been considering it but living in an apartment, I dont have a lot of space to take a bike apart. It looks great by the way! [bacon] [bacon] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: BaZgA on January 21, 2009, 12:45:12 AM here is some pic of mine (http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i46/w7ck7d/my%20696/checkitout038.jpg) Hi Can you do me a favor. I would like to put my plate that way but dont know do I have enough space. I have european plates wich are the size of small country. Can you measure what is the longest plate that can fit there without touching rear fender (in upper position)? TNX Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: w7ck7d on January 21, 2009, 01:14:26 AM Hey I cant tell from the pic to well but did you wrap or powder coat your pipes? Can you share what that entailed? How much did you have to take apart to get at everything? Been considering it but living in an apartment, I dont have a lot of space to take a bike apart. Thanks..yes ive wrappd up my whole exhaust from headers to Y.Had to get em all apart to get them all wrapped up well.It looks great by the way! [bacon] [bacon] i used thermo cool got it from some hot rod store.30' total ive used. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: w7ck7d on January 21, 2009, 01:16:22 AM Hi sure will do.no problem..Can you do me a favor. I would like to put my plate that way but dont know do I have enough space. I have european plates wich are the size of small country. Can you measure what is the longest plate that can fit there without touching rear fender (in upper position)? TNX Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Holden on January 21, 2009, 03:10:09 AM No turn signals... :-\
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: BaZgA on January 21, 2009, 08:05:14 AM sure will do.no problem.. TNX Take your time [thumbsup] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: w7ck7d on January 21, 2009, 04:44:04 PM TNX Here is what ive measured 8" from top of the license plate to top of the fender.Ithink you have plenty of play if your plate size between 4" to 6"... i think ..Take your time [thumbsup] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on January 21, 2009, 10:00:17 PM the CW tail is easy to angle up if the Euro plate is too long for clearance. it's lightweight aluminum and it's not a compound fold at that point.
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucatiTorrey on February 15, 2009, 03:45:02 PM Ok i'm sold, ordered ten minutes ago. Bike hasn't even been delivered yet!
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on February 16, 2009, 12:11:13 AM Ok i'm sold, ordered ten minutes ago. Bike hasn't even been delivered yet! oooo, crap. this is an old thread. i was sold too, but when i got it, and several others, we realized it's not so great. the R&G racing tail tidy is MUCH better. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucatiTorrey on February 16, 2009, 03:25:28 AM oooo, crap. this is an old thread. i was sold too, but when i got it, and several others, we realized it's not so great. the R&G racing tail tidy is MUCH better. seriously? think i got time to cancel it? whats better about it? do tell! ??? Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on February 16, 2009, 03:40:41 AM lots.
there is a complete thread about the tidy tail vs CW basically the CW is thin sheet aluminum, the R&G is thick Al. much better build quality. the R&G edges are nice. the CW is so sharp you can cut yourself, and the one edge/corner is awfully close to the seat bottom. i was worried about it cutting it. easier to install. 2 piece vs 3 pieces. already powdercoated black unlike the cw which is bare metal. do a search for the R & G or tidy tail on here and i think i put the US distributor link as well. i bought mine straight from england. i even think one of the sponsors carries it. i had bought the CW thinking it was cool too, but i seriously didnt like it and sent it back. take this as a personal opinion cause i know other really like the CW and the R&G is like 50 bucks more. but you won't be disappointed in the R&G Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: mrplease on February 16, 2009, 07:26:35 AM i LOVE my competition tail works kit. and in my opinion its the best looking kit available!
(http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh68/mrpleaseplease/monster/IMG_1829.jpg) (http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh68/mrpleaseplease/monster/IMG_6176.jpg) Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: Raux on February 16, 2009, 07:29:47 AM tastes great..... less filling.... [thumbsup]
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucatiTorrey on February 16, 2009, 01:19:03 PM OK so i'm sticking with the CW kit. Already ordered so i said screw it. I like the plate position better, and the key position better, Going to powder coat it black along with exhaust hangers
one thing though, has anyone gotten creative with the plate lighting? Seems there wont be much light on the plate, light is soooooo close if noone else, i will... [coffee] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: gearhead on February 16, 2009, 01:32:12 PM (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o257/Ultra54/IM002256.jpg)
I put my silencers in the highest position and as you can see it totally blocks anyone from seeing them. Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: mrplease on February 16, 2009, 02:04:29 PM you'll be happy with them...
it was a pain in the ass to install, but once its on its well worth it! as for powdercoating goes. i powdercoated my tail kit a semi-satin black. and my exhaust hangars a flat black. it ya wanna know... OK so i'm sticking with the CW kit. Already ordered so i said screw it. I like the plate position better, and the key position better, Going to powder coat it black along with exhaust hangers one thing though, has anyone gotten creative with the plate lighting? Seems there wont be much light on the plate, light is soooooo close if noone else, i will... [coffee] Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: w7ck7d on February 16, 2009, 02:17:58 PM cherryy
Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucatiTorrey on February 16, 2009, 04:10:53 PM (http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o257/Ultra54/IM002256.jpg) I put my silencers in the highest position and as you can see it totally blocks anyone from seeing them. yeah.... that's no good kinda weird. Anyways, i meant the plate illuminator light, that come with the CW set up. What can we do about turn signals though, theyre blocked! kick ass bike though, mines gonna be here wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Title: Re: fender eliminator from competition werkes-696 Post by: DucatiTorrey on April 05, 2009, 09:38:51 AM also just found this fender kit. looks like it replaces the tail light also.
theres even a different fly screen i haven;t seen yet same place Celli got his original headlight http://www.mamut.net/webshopzonneveld/subdet146.htm (http://www.mamut.net/webshopzonneveld/subdet146.htm) [beer] |