Title: My Tail Chop Post by: flanman on August 09, 2008, 03:03:33 PM Here is my tail chop I finished today. The bracket started off as a metal shelf, the aluminum was thin enough to cut using a saber saw and bend easily using a vice and hammer/hands. Only problem I have found with using the shelf is the tan color it was painted originally shows when scratched (and it scratches easy).
Here is a rough idea of what it looked like flat. If anyone wants I can make a template with measurements I just can’t find my paper with them on it now. (http://inlinethumb01.webshots.com/40192/2884142790102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2884142790102750601knpTNY) After cutting out the piece I put it in a vice and bent the corners (there not completely 90 degrees straight but close enough for me). Then I marked out the holes and drilled making a 5/16 hole in the appropriate spots. (http://inlinethumb54.webshots.com/38069/2085559020102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2085559020102750601wzpjrM) Another view. (http://inlinethumb22.webshots.com/42389/2626823510102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2626823510102750601RVahQk) Attached to the back (http://inlinethumb38.webshots.com/10533/2213944270102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2213944270102750601aEWyuU) Initially to chop the frame I intended to use a small pipe cutter. It ended up not working so I reluctantly turned to the hacksaw. For the plugs I found the bottom caps for chair legs worked well. Here it is all finished (I plan to cut another piece of metal and pop rivet it to the tab that hangs down for the license plate) (http://inlinethumb24.webshots.com/42583/2054740460102750601S425x425Q85.jpg) (http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2054740460102750601FTwqdb) Title: Re: My Tail Chop Post by: stopintime on August 09, 2008, 03:24:45 PM I'm impressed with you guys who make things out of thin air [thumbsup]
What is your plan for the plates? Title: Re: My Tail Chop Post by: flanman on August 09, 2008, 04:01:47 PM For the plate I plan on making another peice to attatch onto the tab under the light. The unit has a white light for the bottom to light it. Eventually I want to relocate it to hang vertically on the right side. Boomtubes are on my list of things and moving the plate to around where the cans for the stock exhaust is would make the back clean in my opinion
Title: Re: My Tail Chop Post by: c_rex on August 09, 2008, 04:09:39 PM well done and great documentation for others to use. make sure to prime/paint or better yet powder coat that thing lest ye have to re-create and re-install. much moisture happens aftly over time.
Title: Re: My Tail Chop Post by: tangueroHondo on August 09, 2008, 09:47:31 PM well done and great documentation for others to use. make sure to prime/paint or better yet powder coat that thing lest ye have to re-create and re-install. much moisture happens aftly over time. +1 I am not gifted in the fabrication arts. I spent much time and many dremel cutting discs making a great unit not unlike yours. I made it out of steel and after seven months it's rusted to death. i am pissed off about that. I will make the next one out of Al or paint it with truck bed liner. Or both. |