Title: Calling All Zards!! Post by: Qwack on August 09, 2008, 06:11:23 PM Hello:
Just had my beautiful CF full Zards exhust system installed on my '06 S4R, by my talented Husband...and it did take some talent as the directions, a, um . [roll]..if you can even call them that leave you with a bit of a puzzle to figure out as you other Zards owners already know. My questions is....Heel Guards what are you all using...Since he labored on my bike I let him take it to work today, and he got his heel on the pipe [bang] got the marks off but would like to prevent this from happening everytime either of us rides the bike [moto] So, Please post what you are using, where you got and pix would be nice too [thumbsup] THX [moto] Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: EEL on August 09, 2008, 10:26:03 PM I remember motowheels has some slipon guards. Otherwise i've seen people weld on the brackets off your old pipes..
Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: JDS 07 S4Rs on August 10, 2008, 07:38:17 AM OR,,, U could try the Exhaust wrap
(http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll201/JDSSDJ/P1010182.jpg) Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: uclabiker06 on August 10, 2008, 10:43:26 AM What I do is just put a coat of black high-temp silicone gasket maker on the inside part of my boot that melted and it has worked for me. You might have to add more every once in a while but thats better then ruining the sleek look of those pretty pipes. I have seen people use the brackets from the stock system as well if you want to go that route.
Slight thread jack, but the rivets on my Zards got banged up pretty bad and they need to be replaced. I know your just supposed to drill them out and put new ones in but can anyone explain how that works? Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: Wanwo on August 10, 2008, 11:59:53 AM When I first got my Zards I was melting my boot but I realized this was only because I was moving my foot around on the peg when for me in the normal foot position the boot clears the pipe by an inch or so. Somehow I trained my brain to keep my foot from moving back onto the pipe. No melted boots now and no guard. Best of all worlds.
Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: Qwack on August 10, 2008, 06:56:32 PM Thank you for all your info..and pix [thumbsup] good ideas all around [clap] [beer]. Will check out moto wheels, not too sure about welding brackets although I like the idea..if anyone has anything else to offer up...please do ;D
Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: burt69er on August 11, 2008, 05:55:31 AM (http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff341/burt69er/018.jpg)
I have put the Motowheels CF exhaust guards on my Zards. I got the small size (4") and that is plenty enough. Only ordered 1 for the pipe that is closest to the footpeg. I too burnt the plastic off my boot, so tried the keeping the foot from the pipe thing. It was just a pain in the ass to have to conciously think about it. The Heel guard works great with no problems. Little tight on the install to tighten the bands but doable. About a 10 minute job. I would purchase this again. Hope this helps. Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: Qwack on August 11, 2008, 05:34:56 PM burt69er:
Thank you very much that helps A Lot [thumbsup] The Hubby is looking into them as I type this. THe pix was exactly what I needed too, I need visuals ;D Thanks Again [moto] Title: Re: Calling All Zards!! Post by: Greg on August 11, 2008, 06:40:25 PM (http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff341/burt69er/018.jpg) I have put the Motowheels CF exhaust guards on my Zards. I got the small size (4") and that is plenty enough. Only ordered 1 for the pipe that is closest to the footpeg. I too burnt the plastic off my boot, so tried the keeping the foot from the pipe thing. It was just a pain in the ass to have to conciously think about it. The Heel guard works great with no problems. Little tight on the install to tighten the bands but doable. About a 10 minute job. I would purchase this again. Hope this helps. I too wear the Zard brand (melted inside right heel). Was not aware of the Motowheels heel guard, but will now place my order pronto ;D THanks for the picture and info [thumbsup] |