Title: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: kwood7 on August 09, 2008, 06:40:02 PM Hello eveyone. I have been lurking for a few weeks and finally registered. This board was very helpful in my recent purchase of a black 696.
Love the bike and wanted to know if anyone has been using the factory touring seat and what they think of it? Any response is greatly appreciated. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: Raux on August 09, 2008, 06:59:43 PM very comfortable. you don't get pushed against the tank from the angle of the stock seat.
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: Buckethead on August 09, 2008, 07:04:28 PM No first hand experience with the 696 version, but when I had my 620 I had the DP Comfort Seat on it. I've got one on my Sport Classic now.
The biggest advantage is that its not that slippery vinyl. Your butt stays pretty much where you put it. [thumbsup] Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: SolidSnake3035 on August 09, 2008, 08:56:59 PM How much is it?
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: Murdered Monster on August 10, 2008, 04:22:27 AM It's around $220 and it's worth it. It raises the seat up in the front about 3 inches and is much more comfortable. The padding is a lot thicker. I'm not affiliated with this company, I just like their customer service. http://www.store.commoto.com/ducati-monster-touring-seat-p-1037.html
Good luck. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: MOUSEMAN on August 10, 2008, 05:22:17 AM I love it! No more nut busting on the "tank". The seat has red stitching on it that looks great on my red 696. I recommend this as one of your first upgrades. I also notice that I can ride considerably longer with this seat.
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: maxial on August 10, 2008, 05:26:07 AM I'm selling mine since it adds too much height for my short legs. LIke new. You will have to reuse one of your stock threaded grommets since one is missing.
$200 shipped. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: rosstermyer on August 10, 2008, 06:10:17 AM I'm selling mine since it adds too much height for my short legs. LIke new. You will have to reuse one of your stock threaded grommets since one is missing. $200 shipped. private message sent to you maxial. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: SolidSnake3035 on August 11, 2008, 01:41:14 AM Just to clarify, does the rear panel go over this, or are you stuck with having an "one-piece" style seat?
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: VinnyD on August 11, 2008, 01:56:43 AM Just to clarify, does the rear panel go over this, or are you stuck with having an "one-piece" style seat? The rear seat cowl can be mounted over it just like your stock seat. I find that the rugged material on the side of the touring seat slightly help prevent my body from sliding forward while braking. A bit more padding would be nice though. [moto] Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat Post by: kwood7 on August 11, 2008, 04:48:12 PM UPDATE
I just got the touring seat and 696 specific tail bag from Ducati. I have only had about a half hour on it, but the seat seems to be a huge improvement over stock. The foam is firm and there is far less forward slope. Also the tailbag is nice as it connects directly to the seat via the allen bolts on the side. No fussing with cords or straps and it definately won't come off while riding. In sum, two additions I would highly recommend. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: Raux on August 11, 2008, 04:58:47 PM so you can't use the tail bag with the solo seat cover?
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: kwood7 on August 11, 2008, 05:38:28 PM so you can't use the tail bag with the solo seat cover? No, the bag sits where the cowl/passenger seat is located. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: Raux on August 11, 2008, 05:43:06 PM ehhh i think i'll stick with the red spider-net i am using then. i like the seat cowl.
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: andym on August 12, 2008, 12:56:12 AM Hi,
How big is the bag, would you be able fit a laptop in it? Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: IdZer0 on August 12, 2008, 01:14:10 AM I wonder why this one is made of foam while the one for the old monster uses gel.
How is the cowl actually attached to the seat? Just like the old monster with these brackets underneath, or does it use those metal tab on the side of the seat (are they functional or purely cosmetic?) Is it easy (quick) to remove in order to attach the tailbag? Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: Raux on August 12, 2008, 04:08:53 AM the big head allen screws are functional. they attach the solo seat cowl. or in this case as well as the rear bag carrier.
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: kwood7 on August 12, 2008, 06:24:23 AM Hi, How big is the bag, would you be able fit a laptop in it? It is expandable but not big enough for a typical laptop. It holds my scorpion exo 100 half helmet but not much more. I think anything larger would look odd on such a small bike. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: l4zy on September 25, 2008, 01:01:03 PM got any pics of your bike with the bags installed?
Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: Amlethae on September 25, 2008, 09:58:48 PM It is expandable but not big enough for a typical laptop. It holds my scorpion exo 100 half helmet but not much more. I think anything larger would look odd on such a small bike. I am wondering what kind of security there is on the bag. I live/ride in NYC and would find the bag useless if I couldn't lock it or something. Also, the pictures look like there are two little side bags on the part that mounts to the seat, is that the case or is the picture just deceiving? Thanks. Title: Re: 696 Touring Seat and tailbag- UPDATE Post by: sfarchie on November 21, 2008, 07:49:06 AM I hope they have one in stock at Munroe's. My butt is hurting just thinking about it. :'(
Title: After a quick search of Ducati's website: Post by: Craig Thomas on November 21, 2008, 01:11:23 PM Rear Bag
Applicable on passenger's seat padding, this rear bag is useful when riding solo but even when two-up since it becomes a backpack thanks to the shoulder straps. The capacity, expandable up to 18 litres, ensures a good loading capacity and the Sky fabric can resist to solvents, UV rays and other corrosive agents resulting in longer life. (http://images.nittanyweb.com/scs/images/products/35/large/ducati_rear_bag_for_monster_696_96766709b_p28607.jpg) M696/1100 side semi-rigid bags kit Set of semi-rigid side bags, complete with anti-theft retaining system and made from "Sky" fabric, resistant to weather and chemicals. They have a loading capacity of approx. 14 litres each, and feature a useful carrying handle and a water-resistant protective cap. (http://www.ducati.com/MEDIA/ProductCatalog/m2320310/96777308B_G.jpg) I assume the side bags are also heat resistant! [popcorn] |