Title: Cheers to the founding members!! Post by: 2 Wheel Wanderer on May 08, 2008, 12:06:45 AM I saw what happened on the "OTHER FORUM" and am glad to be a part of the new one where freedom rules. wt:
Name: Eaton Location: San Rafael Bike: 05 M620 How long you've been riding:I'm a NOOB, I've had the bike for 9 months but only ridden 6 of those due to a slight miscalculation around a hairpin. :bang Lesson learned - know your limitations on how far you can lean before you lose traction. Anything else you'd like to share - This is my 1st bike and I love riding, that's basically all I want to do every day. I've been bit so hard by the bug I've put 10K miles in 6 months. mo:t: The only downside is tires are killing me. I've already been through 1 1/2 sets since mid Jan. Anyway good to be here and look forward to checking out the new forum. |