Title: late notice...food and drink in (north of) Baltimore tomorrow Post by: Statler on August 15, 2008, 05:24:38 PM So...some B'more folk (mostly not Ducati riders), and some CAM crowd folk (mostly rifraf from this forum) are heading to my place North of Baltimore tomorrow (Saturday the 16th) for some food and drink starting around 3ish.
I realize I am closer to some of you guys than I am to the DC crowd (and usually ride by myself into PA versus ride South with a group). So if you're looking for something to do tomorrow afternoon come on down. I'm in Essex (21221) if you want to see how far it is. PM for address. Chris Title: Re: late notice...food and drink in (north of) Baltimore tomorrow Post by: lauramonster on August 19, 2008, 08:52:39 AM This from the defender of those western infidels!!
RUSE! RUSE! Title: Re: late notice...food and drink in (north of) Baltimore tomorrow Post by: Statler on August 20, 2008, 07:36:05 AM yup...it was a trap. But you caught it so we just had to drink all the booze ourselves.
;D |