Title: spo-vegas salutations Post by: 38 OFF on May 08, 2008, 06:57:30 AM howdy,
Think I'm the only one in this area since mr. marvellous moved. Was more of a lurker on the other board, was so much to learn from that board for a newb such as myself. This one certainly won't disappoint as time goes on I'm sure. Anyhoo thanks again for the new board. Title: Re: spo-vegas salutations Post by: c_rex on May 08, 2008, 12:04:26 PM Hiya- I'll bite. What's Spo-vegas? Is that a suburb of Spokane, WA or Las Vegas, NV or somewhere else entirely? Nice ta meet ya!
Title: Re: spo-vegas salutations Post by: 38 OFF on May 09, 2008, 06:31:15 AM It's spokane itself. Sort of a nick name that came to the city from long time dwellers.
should add: 06 S4R - needing new mirrors and tail chop, then done with the mods ;:| |