Title: Moving to the City! Post by: ducati_tim on August 20, 2008, 09:57:32 AM It is official! Tomorrow my work-related possessions are being moved from Redwood Shores to the Financial District, and I will start working from San Francisco.
(http://f3.yahoofs.com/blog/47cb1349z1234af03/95/__sr_/5fbe.jpg?mg4pGrIBlRiL9zOt) I will be on the same floor as our favorite inebriated simian. They originally were going to put me in the office next to him, but he must have complained :D It is one mile exactly from my apartment to the office, so even while walking at a slow pace I will save an hour and a half on my commute. [thumbsup] Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: Vindingo on August 20, 2008, 10:56:05 AM Walking to work or even riding your bicycle every morning will be nice. It looks like you've got a window too!
Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: ducati_tim on August 20, 2008, 11:36:58 AM I had a window. The pic is of my old office. I think my view is going to be of cubes, but that is okay by me if it means walking to work. ;)
Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: somegirl on August 20, 2008, 12:01:47 PM Nice! My employer didn't want to give me a cube in our new site, so my commute is now to the next bedroom over. ;)
But I am on the road more than half the time anyway. :-\ Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: Vindingo on August 20, 2008, 12:06:03 PM I thought those were "move in" pictures, I guess I need some reading comprehension practice :-\
Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: desmoquattro on August 20, 2008, 12:59:02 PM Congrats! Reducing your commute is a good thing.
Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: ride_sf on August 20, 2008, 03:08:19 PM Do you need any furniture? I'm giving up my place in SF this month (moving to the East Bay), and I have a lot of furniture that I need to get rid of, mostly IKEA stuff.
Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: CharliesAngel on August 20, 2008, 04:02:10 PM Walking to work or even riding your bicycle every morning will be nice. It looks like you've got a window too! Huh? I know I am a little slow... but how do you know he's got a window in his office? And what is that red/white water heater looking device that is your pic? ;D ??? Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: ducati_tim on August 20, 2008, 04:17:18 PM Do you need any furniture? I'm giving up my place in SF this month (moving to the East Bay), and I have a lot of furniture that I need to get rid of, mostly IKEA stuff. Thanks, but my company has me covered 8)Huh? I know I am a little slow... but how do you know he's got a window in his office? And what is that red/white water heater looking device that is your pic? ;D ??? That is my SF Douchebag with Ducati D. It is a carry over from when there was a debate about what to call the MOB. ;DTitle: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: CharliesAngel on August 21, 2008, 08:04:53 AM That is my SF Douchebag with Ducati D. It is a carry over from when there was a debate about what to call the MOB. ;D OMG, I give myself the prize for total lameness/dorkiness! LOL! Title: Re: Moving to the City! Post by: Drunken Monkey on August 24, 2008, 07:16:02 PM Geeze, there goes the neighborhood.
I'm back in the office on Tuesday, so I'll look for you. And if nothing else, I know all the good lunch spots. |