Title: HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR YOUR 600mile SERVICE? Post by: lucazuma on August 25, 2008, 12:37:41 PM scope of the survey is: -share information on our experiences at different dealers -find out which ones have given a fair pricing -share this information with DNA (hopefully get them to admonish the less fair Dealers) -give us a tool to make up our opinion on our Dealers and save fellow Ducati owners the frustration of being screwed while giving them valid, honest alternatives. http://ducatimonsterforum.org/index.php?topic=9784.0 ;D thanks Title: Re: HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR YOUR 600mile SERVICE? Post by: red baron on August 25, 2008, 02:19:00 PM I was charged $317.67 including tax.
What the invoice says change oil and filter Sync throttle clean and adjust chain retourque engine mounts check tires and set pressure check suspension test ride I was charged 3 hours labor and $49.48 for oil, filter, screen, and gasket. Proitalia in Glendale. [laugh] Title: Re: HOW MUCH DID YOU PAY FOR YOUR 600mile SERVICE? Post by: lucazuma on August 25, 2008, 02:23:47 PM ;D |