At my first track day they make first timers stay in the beginner group and also attend "class" in between sessions. After the second session we all went back to the little trailer class and sat down for some Q&A. Some guy on a rented 1000cc japanese sport bike, in rented leathers, raised his hand: "It seems like the back end is sliding around when I accelerate out of corners?" Of course it was!
New rider on a liter bike, ham fisted, and cracking the throttle equals wheels spin, and this guy had no was scary being on track with him and I stayed as far away as possible!
I'm not saying you are this way at all....just that you might be getting some wheel spin (or skid) if the revs aren't matched for road speed when you let out the clutch. Also agree with the previous post about unintentional control inputs. Practice accelerating smooth and relaxed...and fast as possible...
When in doubt, throttle out.