What's the weather like?

Started by T-byrd, May 22, 2008, 12:05:12 PM

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We're supposed to get it here tonight as rain.

54 right now.
"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
 a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent."


Autumn is here after a long hot summer. Fall is the best riding season down here in the Southern state of Victoria when you can ride all day in mild weather. The fully vented, mesh jacket will be put away as will the vented summer boots and gloves.
We own a lot of bike gear for the distinct seasons and great variations in temperature (and clothing for that matter).
2015 Scrambler 800


"Once you accept that a child on the autistic spectrum experiences the world in
 a completely different way than you, you will be open to understand how that
    is even more amazing than yours."
    To realize the value of nine  months:
    Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.
"Don't piss off old people The older we get, the less 'Life in Prison' is a deterrent."


'01 ST4 Yellow
'02 ST4s Yellow


I'm ready to burn it all down. Snowed yesterday.
"The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time."--HST    **"A man who works with his hands is a laborer.  A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman.  A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."  -Louis Nizer**

Randimus Maximus

Record high temp in Denver today.  Only 0.8" of snow this month so far, in what is historically our snowiest month.

Supposed to get a pretty substantial storm with rain beginning tomorrow and potentially snow by Sunday.


Quote from: Monsterlover on Yesterday at 03:57:50 PMI'm ready to burn it all down. Snowed yesterday.

Send it.  West, please.
"To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites." ~ Robert Heinlein


Quote from: Stella on Yesterday at 06:37:43 PMSend it.  West, please.

Take all you want. 5 months of winter is too much for me now.
"The Vincent was like a bullet that went straight; the Ducati is like the magic bullet in Dallas that went sideways and hit JFK and the Governor of Texas at the same time."--HST    **"A man who works with his hands is a laborer.  A man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman.  A man who works with his hands, brains, and heart is an artist."  -Louis Nizer**