Sunday morning I'm riding down Baseline Rd. I'm behind this Honda Insight at a stop light. The light turns green and it takes forever for the driver to start going and I'm thinking WTF. Finally we get going and I change lanes and start passing the Honda which then I looked at the driver and it is some young, college aged blonde girl.
Do you know what she was doing?
She was reading a freakin' BOOK! That's right. She had the book right up on her steering wheel and was reading it and occassionally looking up to see the road ahead of her.
People like her and those text messaging while driving to be put to sleep before they kill me.
Tell me you "got her attention"?!

I'm making a left hand turn into a strip mall area. There is this Mexican guy in a pick-up who is coming out of where I want to turn in. He wants to go straight, but can't until I complete my turn. What does he do? He keeps going straight right towards the the driver side of my car while I'm making the turn as if I'm not even there and finally stops a couple feet away from hitting me.
I'm yelling "WTF a$$hole!!!!!". Idiot just looks at me with a thoughtless expression on his face. Probably on drugs.
People like him need to be put to sleep before they kill me.
Probably doesn't even have a driver's license...