Only a couple of those roads I haven't ridden, but some of those routes have hours of straight superslab in them to get there, hard to justify for a day ride fro most people. A few of us this past Tuesday were talking about another Devil's Hwy run (White Mountains). That would be a fun day trip, or we could overnight in Sprignerville for super cheap, less than $20 a person to split a room at Reed's Lodge. I'm thinking September sounds like a good time to do this.
I love Springerville.
When I was going to MCC it seemed like all the really nice girls were from Springerville.
I was just there a few weeks ago. In fact, I went down just south of Alpine, I hiked the KP Creek to Grank Creek (Hannagan) Trail loop -- 3-day hike -- very intense, but incredibly beautiful. And that road is awesome.
We would have driven the loop (south), but we were short on time to get back.
Anyway, we ate lunch in Springerville at a place called Joe & Heathers. It's across from the movie theater and the building with a red horse on top of it just as you get to town a few hundred yards before you would reach Reed's Motor Lodge. The sourdough was good and the waitress was nice.