Were they privatly run lots or city run? I see a lot/ most of the private ones in dc and Arlington w the no moto signs. But I also see motos parked in them....
I asked one time and I got a response about liability - though the guy I asked was far from in charge.
At the other end of the spectrum - many of the metered lots in Silver Spring have dedicated, free moto spots.
So it seems to me that some of the issue is public lots vs private. Any notion for that on those lots you scoped RB?
I have run into a mix in DC. Oddly in downtown, in the evenings at least, I have been waved in to private parking garages twice without having to pay. Otherwise I make a spot on the street or park on the sidewalk.
The two lots in downtown Silver Spring (municipal) are now free. They put magnetic sensors in recently that won't issue a ticket or raise the gate unless you are a car. So if you pull up, the attendant just lets you in. The problem with that is you have to get the attendant to let you out or rush out behind a car before the gate closes. I don't think they were meant to be free. In fact I remember a couple of years ago Montgomery county put meters on all their moto spots that used to be free.