Our 97 750 Monster doesnt have an immobiliser incorporated into the ignition, so you'll be ok there, its just a straight key.
Personall I'd be seeing about changing the lock or combination of the lock if possible, there is now someone walking around with a Ducati key that fits your bike, and as Murphy is the biggest prick on earth, these clowns might one day come across a 900 Duc and try the key in the lock and.........well you know.
Just remove all the barrels from seat, tank and ignition and a locksmith should be able to do the business.
Moral of the story, NEVER leave anything in your car that you cant afford to lose!! And dont have your rego number and personal details on the keytag, somepeople do, and its a great bonus for the thieveing arseholes that do this shit in having specific vehicle details to look for!!