fitting rearsets

Started by roxy696, May 06, 2010, 04:06:49 PM

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I have a set of rizomas on their way for my 696, had a bit of a search but either i am looking for the wrong thing or just not seeing it. :-\  Just wanting to know if there is any dos / donts that we need to be aware of or any pointers that will make it all the better.  Also a heads up on the tools that we will need would be great so that i can have them here ready to go.  They should hopefully arrive next week and we are running out of great ridding weather here in tas so do not want to just be able to sit there looking at how good they look. [laugh].  Many thanks in advance!



I fitted a set to my S2R and it was easy as. Haven't had a look at a 696 close up yet but might be heading to the shop tomorrow and will have a squiz.

Normally a set of allen keys and a socket set should see you through.

On my S2R it was simply a matter of taking off the existing set and the Rizoma rear sets bolted to the same points. It came with a longer brake hose for the rear master cylinder but if you don't move the adjustment to the extreme positions the original hose if fine. That way you don't need to bleed the brake.

To adjust the Rizoma's you simply use an allen key to take out two bolts (on each side) to move the pegs to different positions - it'll all make sense when you see it in the flesh.



Thanks MonsterDorf  [thumbsup], sound easy enough fingers crossed :)


MonsterDorf makes it sound a lot harder than it is. It was a whole lot simpler for me ... hand box to the wife, come back when its done (also on an S2R).

If it is similar to the S2R you will probably need a big socket for the large nut and a torque wrench for the correct tension to finish up. Rear brake switch could get a bit tricky depending on how the bike is now and what comes with the rearset kit.
Believe post content at your own risk.


I dont recall having any issues fitting Rizoma rearsets to M696, pretty straightforward from memory.  [thumbsup]
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Thanks for responses, rearest fitted and I am one happy girl - expected them to look good but did not think that the riding postion change would be sooooo good  [moto] will get some pics soon and post them up.  Happy rides.


Quote from: roxy696 on May 14, 2010, 11:10:03 PM
Thanks for responses, rearest fitted and I am one happy girl - expected them to look good but did not think that the riding postion change would be sooooo good  [moto] will get some pics soon and post them up.  Happy rides.

Pics would be nice. Is this gap normal on mine? Looks like spacer in diagram is missing. Put these on my 1100 today...

"Bones Heal, Chicks Dig Scars, Pain Goes Away"



Yep there should be a spacer, if it did not come with one there was a couple of spacers that we took off the old pegs and used on the rizomas' there are others on this site that will be able to gove better advice though as we are only new at doing the mod stuff.

Still no pics yet.

Happy rides