On Thursday evening someone backed into my parked S2R800 and knocked her over on the left side. Not too bad but the clutch lever is bent to hell. I was able to ride home (2 up I might add) but don't think it's safe to ride since the hand positioning required to pull the lever is pretty awkward. So I've been sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I was really excited about doing the Doc Wong ride tomorrow morning until it occurred to me - I've got a spare stock brake lever!
1. Are the brake and clutch levers interchangeable?
2. How difficult is it to change out a lever? I haven't done a lot of work on the bike by myself and I'm afraid that since the old lever is all bent something else might be messed up that I don't know about. I'm worried that if I attempt to change the lever unassisted I might wind up with a bike that I can't ride at all as opposed to one that I can barely ride to a shop on Tuesday. I've checked the instructions here:
http://www.ducatisuite.com/leverchange.html which look a bit tricky.
3. Is there anyone out there in the area that can assist in a lever change this evening so I can make the Doc Wong ride tomorrow morning in return for pizza/chinese food? I know this is a long shot but it can't hurt to ask right?
Your advice and or help is appreciated.