removing Oil pressure sensor?

Started by ollie, August 29, 2010, 05:24:37 PM

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Alright upfront it may seem like a dumb thing to, do but removing the oil pressure sensor and blanking off the hole would really clean up the look of the right hand side of the bike, just about all the other wires can be hidden or moved but there is no getting round that one.

  At the moment I'm running stock gauges an ecu, I was concerned that if you removed it the warning light would constantly be on, but it was the opposite I unplugged the sensor and the light just dosn't come on anymore at startup.

I know that Kopfjager has done it on his bike and I think his reasoning was that if the Oil pressure light comes on when your riding that damage has already been done - so if the bike is maintained well and you keep a close eye on your oil levels is it a reasonable idea to get rid of it??

Or thinking about it another way, has anyone's oil pressure light come on whilst riding??

Drunken Monkey

I had the same complaint, but there's just no way I'm going to run my bike without an oil pressure sensor.

Two solutions:
A) Get an aftermarket billet cover for the switch and run the wires through something more cosmetically pleasing (braided stainless wire covers)
b) Run an oil line from the case and hide the pressure sensor under the tank.


I own several motorcycles. I have owned lots of motorcycles. And have bolted and/or modified lots of crap to said motorcycles...


If you're dead-set on running w/o one, here's how to do it:

Get one exhaust header plug from the dealer (I think they're like $3 or something) and a crush washer for the brakes (they're $0.49 or $0.99 maybe) and they have the same M10x1.0 thread pitch as the oil pressure sender does.

If you want to clean up the side of the bike and still have the sensor, run the wire backwards and then up and around the vertical head to re-join the harness.  It's not great, but it's really all you can do (besides the above suggestions) to still run a sender while cleaning things up.

(just thought of this:  There's a drilled/tapped hole (M10x1.0) on the top of the oil cooler on a HM1100 so maybe you could get one of those coolers and put the sender up there...)
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.



b) Run an oil line from the case and hide the pressure sensor under the tank.

hmmm...I like that idea, it could look quite good

Thanks stew, I noticed on that flat tracker you built you blanked out the sensor, is it simply a matter of acknowledging that there is a risk running without a pressure sensor and weighing up whether or not you'd be happy with it, or did you get around some other way on that bike?

(just thought of this:  There's a drilled/tapped hole (M10x1.0) on the top of the oil cooler on a HM1100 so maybe you could get one of those coolers and put the sender up there...)

That's a good option as well......


That bike just doesn't run one.

Honestly...  The sensor is at the very end of the pressurized oil and it's set at about 10psi.  So, by the time it goes off and you notice's more of a 'Hey, you just blew your engine' light instead of a 'Hey, you're experiencing some low oil pressure' light...

But, YMMV...
Bike-less Portuguese immigrant enjoying life.

Drunken Monkey

Stew's correct that it's more of a "just wanted to let you know you're screwed" switch, but I'd still run one (again YMMV) as low oil + high temps can mean a PSI < 10. Mind you, if you have an oil temp gauge that's also a good warning mechanism.

In my case I'm running the line up to an honest-to-goodness oil pressure sensor with a readout on my tach.

I went with this set-up because the honest-to-goodness oil pressure sensor is huge and ugly  ;D

I own several motorcycles. I have owned lots of motorcycles. And have bolted and/or modified lots of crap to said motorcycles...