Another one bites the dust: I wonder if brake fluid applied to surface?

Started by Rideon, March 14, 2011, 02:45:51 PM

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OCEANSIDE â€" A 29-year-old Imperial Beach man died Sunday after a motorcycle accident on South Grade Road - a steep and winding road stretching from state Route 76 to the top of Palomar Mountain.

The body was discovered in an embankment by another motorcyclist.

The Imperial Beach man had been traveling up the steep grade in a 1997 Ducati with two friends Sunday afternoon when he apparently lost control of his motorcycle and went over the edge, a California Highway Patrol officer said.

Roldan Cruz, a 29-year-old man from Irvine, discovered the body as he was hiking back toward the road after also losing control of his 2007 Ducati motorcycle and driving off the road. The two had not been riding together, the CHP said.

A California Highway Patrol officer said the identity of the Imperial Beach man could not be released until his family is notified of the accident.

Cruz sufferedd minor injuries to his left knee, but did not require medical attention.

Further information was not available.


"Get your haggis right here. Chopped heart and lungs boiled in a wee sheep's stomach.
Tastes as good as it sounds. Good for what ales you."


This is really sad. There is an inherent danger in sportbike riding, if there were not, it would not be as fun as it is. When people come in to see me from sports injuries of all types, I ask them "why". Many times it is because of exhaustion. Going too hard for too long. On the Ducati, that might mean riding at 9/10's for over 40 minutes. Before getting on the bike, one might ask themselves if they are balanced for the day. Did they have a fight with someone? Are they pissed off? It might not be the time to ride aggressively. At least, don't go to Palomar. The other usual stuff, like having proper tread, tire pressure, brake pad surfaces, come into play as well.
If you don't take care, you will not age well. Be Safe! [thumbsup]

red baron

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations... James Madison


"Get your haggis right here. Chopped heart and lungs boiled in a wee sheep's stomach.
Tastes as good as it sounds. Good for what ales you."

red baron

Quote from: Scotzman on March 18, 2011, 07:27:53 AM
Apparently ran wide somewhere east of the 15.

That makes more sense, I was thinking the freeway portion near my crib. I (somehow) forgot about the fun portion between Escondido and Julian. Vie seen many pass (unsafely) between Escondido and Ramona climbing the mountain.
"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations... James Madison