Raux, Thank you for your response and the information it is very helpful.
ɹǝnǝɥǝƃun, BTW I tried the search function and was still unable to find what I was looking for. Also, I only resort to forums if I cannot find the information I am seeking elsewhere or if I want to here from someone who has had experience with a certain subject. It;s dickheads like yourself who make stupid make the beast with two backsing comments that turn me off to forums. Do me a favor, grow up and keep off my page.
no problem on the help. we actually are a pretty tight group here. Ungeheuer wasn't being a dick. During this time of the year we tend to get a lot of new people are the board asking the same questions as each other or as we've been discussing for a couple of seasons. When a question is answered on multiple threads it tends to make searching for new people a bit more difficult. Searching for the right threads to comment on helps the community as a whole.
as far as search on the forum you have to be in that board for the search to work in that area. I had that issue when i first got here too, mind you there wasn't as much information as there is now.
of all the forums for Ducati Monster I doubt you will find one more complete. I am on aa couple of other Monster or Ducati boards and even when googling, I still usually end up here.
The Italian boards are probably the next best or in some cases better, but unless you read Italian... good luck.