That brand is carried by the board sponsors here
I think I read some where on this board that the spacers, or not having any under the heat guard has some thing to do with the yellowing besides the Suns ultra violet light.
The same heat shield on my exhaust is very yellow/brown, the CF skin of the exhausts cans are also slowly changing color while all the other pieces are perfect still. I wipe down all the CF on my bike with protectant and keep it garaged and covered. I think it has to do with the CF being to close to the heat of the exhaust and maybe cooking the piece?
I may buy another heat shield because I have since ceramic coated the exhaust pipes and I noticed there is a little less heat felt from the metal pipes, this might save the next heat shield?
The CF heat shield defiantly does its job protecting my leg from heat vs the metal shield/ branding iron that it came with. I purchased it from one of the sponsors with 10% off member discount. this huh? I'm one here in California.