Cramping Up During Aggressive Riding

Started by wiggsmeister, April 07, 2013, 02:27:40 AM

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I'm on a 696 and have had some issues with cramping up in the groin on the inside leg when hanging off. I'm about 6'2" but that alone shouldn't cause cramping in turns.

I'm pretty limber, stretch before suiting up and be sure eat a couple bananas the day before or the morning of a ride.

besides shrinking my legs and all, any tips?  :P
2011 m696


i get that sometimes as well, 5'10", usually after I've been off the bike for awhile.
I would bet we are about the same angle since I have raised rearsets and you're running stock.

solution... ride more for me. i'm out of shape. riding is my only exercise...  [bang]


I just got my first one piece, so I'd been riding in all the gear plus jeans (with protection under of course), so my leg was tucked. Now that I'm putting my knee out I'm hoping I'm done with the cramping.

I'll work on riding some more stuff though.. I think that's a good idea..
2011 m696

El Matador

Yup. Ride more, stretch more, make sure you're not doin anything wonky on your body positioning.


ugh. first day on the bike since new years eve.
about 45 km
hands barely functioning, thighs sore from squeezing the tank, feet sore from moving back and forth on pegs and shifting

no hip issue since i was on the ST2

but yes, i just proved my point about more riding.


Alright Raux, you DEFINITELY need to ride more! Since New Years?! I think I'd go stir crazy..

My feet were definitely sore from shifting on the footpegs last week too, right on the ball of the foot. I commute every day I can on my bike but it's only 7 miles.

I work out and keep myself in pretty decent shape and I'm 24. I swear I already feel like an old man sometimes  [bang].
2011 m696