If I'm not mistaken you have two 320mm discs pinched by two 30/34mm calipers by a 16mm coffin style master. That's a pretty good set up.
The main specific lever feature is the large pivot bolt. You'll find that kind of bolt on all (?) coffin masters.... 620, 750, 800, 695, S2R800 and probably lots of other Ducati models. When you find one you like, post it here and we'll take a look.
Many aftermarket levers MUST be properly adjusted to work well (SAFETY!!!)
http://www.ducatisuite.com/leverchange.html (scroll down)
Another master cylinder won't do very much to improve brake performance, but clean discs, new'ish steel braided lines and fresh pads will.
Clutch reservoir? Do you mean another master? Waste of money, IMO, unless you do it for bling - then I support it of course!