This is a picture of my grandfather, who as a captain in the Mt. Lebanon (PA) police department rode a motorbike. He actually had to supply his own bike, as far as I understand it. I'm trying to figure out what model bike that is. All I know is that:
1) He bought a bike in 1917-or-so. My uncle (his son) says it was a 4-cylinder Indian motorcycle. I'm pretty sure 4-cyclinders were not around then, at least not common. Also, my uncle knows nothing about bikes,
and he tends to embellish stories and fill in gaps in his memory with confidently stated lies. Great storyteller, bad historian. Still, it does look like an Indian.
3) Also, the photo is probably from ~1925. So whatever he bought in 1917 might have been replaced by the time of the photo.
Any of you moto-historians out there offer some thoughts?