I was telling the guys on the ride the other day how many pending points I have, but decided to check today and realized I miscalculated.
Ok well right now I have 2 speeding, 1 improper left, 1 lane splitting, 2 plate mounting tickets.
These tickets total 21 points pending, BUT right now I have 0 points.
Yes I know I'm an idiot and it will cost me. But my stupidity might help you.
Check it out:
http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj219/Putz37/21points.jpgNotice the last ticket "speed in zone 11-30" violation date 8/28/07 hearing date 8/22/08. The hearing date is almost a whole year after the violation. That is the date they gave me after my FIRST request for rescheduled hearing.
You can postpone a couple of times, points only count from the date of violation NOT conviction, points stay on your license for 18 months.
WHEN I get convicted of that ticket, which will most likely be after 18 months in March 09 I will have 0 points but still have the fine.
Last but not least some insight into my stupidity and the loopholes of our system. I have had a license for 15 years. I have had, including the current 2 tickets, about 35 or more speeding tickets in that time. I have never had my license suspended, I have always postponed tickets, I have never had an increase in insurance premiums as a direct result of any speeding ticket.
Hope this helps you guys n' gals out there and goodluck.
If you want to find out about your ticket status go here:
https://harmonia.dmv.state.ny.us/pleadnpay/last 4 of SS
and a valid email
is all you really need to put in.