Front Number plates no go for Queensland (And Vic)

Started by CairnsDuc, July 15, 2008, 09:55:09 PM

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G'day all,
This Letter (See Link Below) was just released to the Public for all to see, As was explained to me read between the lines of the Government jargon, it all means the Front number plates propsal is not on the agenda and is closed, they have not said it is dead, they would never say that, they always need to leave a backdoor clause in there somewhere.

I have had some contact with a high end club (AMC Commitee) member who shall remain nameless who informed me of this about a week ago, but I was sworn to secrecy or he could get into a bit of strife, in unofficial disscussions with high end Officials (and the Ministers) of the Dept of Transport and Vic TAC said the proposal is dead and was not supported by the Vic or Qld Police.

And it looks like the same for Victoria if you check the last line, there has quite a large ongoing disscussion on so this was released to the public by the Shaun (Club president of AMC)

I hope this makes the whole Front number plate issue a buit clearer for everyone.

Just as a point of Interest, The proposed cost to the Vic Taxpayer for the introduction of Front number plates would be in the order of $22 million, that does not include the cost to bike riders who were expected to cop the cost of brackets and bike mods to get them to work!


wow! I thought I had a fair understandingof the english language - obviously that knowledge does not enable my mind to transpond the government language at all! Thanks for clarifing Cairns!

Great news

I've had front fender bolts vibrate out - nw imagine if one of them was holding a large thin metal plate above another object that was spinning rapidly - the idea itself is frightening!


ahhh the world of the bureaucratic wordsmith. if they spent as much time on policies as they do on their literary compositions the world might be a better place!  >:(
......... I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and I am what some people call mentally retarded.


Don't worry Spider, I had to have explained to me as well, Poli speak is wonderful isn't it, why use 5 words to say one thing, when you can use an entire page to say it.

It's a flash way of saying, not going to happen now, but we'll leave a small opening just incase we want to revive this in a few years time.


Quote from: wraith on July 15, 2008, 11:52:12 PM
ahhh the world of the bureaucratic wordsmith. if they spent as much time on policies as they do on their literary compositions the world might be a better place!  >:(

A rough translation :D

- we didn't think it through initially.
- no motorcycle manufacturer has conducted structural & aerodynamic tests for front plates
- the damn things might sheer your head off if they come loose.
- the damn things might hit the shocks, or affect steering.
- they're so damn expensive they'd be a re-election killer.