Is there a performance exhaust that is not obnoxious?

Started by metallimonster, July 14, 2008, 11:29:19 AM

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brad black

slip ons fitted to any of the S*R series bikes results in a much quieter exhaust than the normal style slip ons like you'd fit on the 620.  with open pipes it'll sound just as loud as any of the older models or ss, etc.  which varies from loud to really loud depending on brand.

generally baffling the slip ons down will reduce the power output somewhat, especially thru the mid range.  but it will still go better to some extent.

running it with open air box and std mufflers will make it louder when you get on it, but quiet otherwise.  it will also help performance over all std.

aftermarket mufflers baffled down will reduce a heap of weight tho, which also helps.

more capacity will help more.
Brad The Bike Boy


You can get Arrows carbon with removable baffles for your bike (I have them for a M1000).  You need to get Euro 3 compliant.  They come with the baffles.  If you want more performance, exhaust won't help much.
04 M1000s, Arrows, Light Flywheel, Ohlins suspension