Possible to de-bling rotors?

Started by d3vi@nt, October 19, 2017, 04:16:38 PM

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I got some used Brembo rotors of the '06'ish snowflake variety. From the online images, the carrier looked a dull gold color that would match my stock ST2 wheels. When I got them in the mail, I found them to be a pretty bright blingy gold gold color that doesn't look good at all in contrast with the wheels.

The carrier is supposed to be aluminum.  Are there any realistic options to dull the color?

'13 MTS GT
'99 ST2
'07 M695 - Sold


I would look up the local anodizing industry and see what they suggest. Another thought is enquiring with a local brake specialist as some customers may want the colour changed, so the brake shop may have a contact for that work.
2015 Scrambler 800


Thanks for the reply.

Guessing the rotor would have to be separated from the carrier before anodizing happens? Not sure how the process works.

No idea either what pricing looks like. Would it even be cost-effective for a wear item such as this?
'13 MTS GT
'99 ST2
'07 M695 - Sold


Yes, rotor separated from carrier, ferrous materials are very bad for anodizing sauces.

You would have to destroy most of the buttons to accomplish that.

Anodizing lot minimums are usually in the $75-100 range.
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~



You could try to scotchbrite them to something more muted.

You could mask and bead blast, then paint any color you want.

The above won't be *perfect* around the buttons.

Can't put a ton of paint on.

Howie's solution is the easiest.
- - - - - Valley Desmo Service - - - - -
Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


If you have the coin, remove the buttons and replace them with full floaters (Motowheels sells these).  I've had loads of items anodized by Green Bay Anodizing.  They provide fast turn-around and the variety of prices are pretty good.  Hard anodizing is more expensive, so you might want to go with a color that fades to something you're ok with.

http://www.gbanodizinginc.com, $55 minimum order.  That $55 will get you as many parts as they can fit in a 30"x30" bin.

I've not tried these guys, but for hard anodizing, check out:  https://www.arrowcryogenics.com/chemical-processing/hard-coat-aluminum-anodizing.  They offer more hard coat colors than Green Bay Anodizing.

Edit: bin is 30" x 30"
'05 S4R (>47k mi); '04 Bandit 1200 (>92k mi; sold); '02 Bandit 1200 (>11k mi); '97 Bandit 1200 (2k mi); '13 FJR1300 (1k mi); IBA #28454 "45"


Thanks for all the suggestions --some great ideas.

I'm thinking ano is to much of a PITA and expense.

I'll give the scotchbrite a try on the back side and see what happens. I like the matte rattle can, too. Worth a shot anyway.

Or I might just sell these and find a reasonable set with black carriers...
'13 MTS GT
'99 ST2
'07 M695 - Sold