Rubber piece on end of tank holder

Started by greenohawk69, July 15, 2018, 08:38:52 AM

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97 M900 - what have others used to replace the rubber piece on the end of the metal arm that holds up the gas? Mine has ripped and currently rednecked "repaired" with electrical tape.  :)

Thinking of using a "block" of metal or rubber and using my dremel on it to fit. Metal would have rubber (old bicycle tire) in the "holding area."
"An enlightened people, and an energetic public opinion... will control and enchain the aristocratic spirit of the government." --Thomas Jefferson to Chevalier de Ouis, 1814

There are 4 boxes to be used in the defense of liberty:  Soap, Ballot, Jury and Ammo.  Please use in this order.  -- Ed Howdershelt



I don't really use the crook of the tip.
I just insert the end into the screw hole in the rubber foot that rests on the frame when the tank is down.
It's at the edge of the underside of the tank.
That foot/rest might not be present on your model though.
~ JB
2002 M750ie
2000 DR650


Here's what I did....

1. Remove tanks support rod from bike. Set aside.
2. Cut to length, one piece of 2x4 or similar.
3. Apply said 2x4 as needed.

I did this because I don't like the way the tank sits with only one side supported, and it has worked like a charm for 2 bikes over 15 years!
Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty, and the pigs like it...