Chain hitting rear tire?

Started by Charlie98, June 16, 2019, 06:39:42 PM

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Doing some maintenance today on the Monster, I noticed some weird wear on the new Rosso III...

Obviously the chain is hitting the tire... but I'm wondering why?  The shop that put the tire on also adjusted the chain for me, and it still seems to still be in adjustment.  Is the Rosso III just a little wider than the II?  Or am I missing something?


2013 M796 ABS
1993 XR650L (the Torque-a-Saurus)

Wherever you go, there you are...


If the chain has 1/2in play side to side it's due for replacement


any pics?
Tyre sizes?
I run a 190 rear and only had issue b/c I did not have it lined up properly.