Voltage Regulator

Started by vincep99, July 12, 2019, 09:22:50 AM

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I need a voltage regulator for my 2007 S4RS. I searched the threads here and there were some ideas but mostly they are 5 years old. Any new sources?



Check with them by phone before ordering, or just check the length of the leads on the regulator that is on your bike.


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Reseda, CA

(951) 640-8908

~~~ "We've rearranged the deck chairs, refilled the champagne glasses, and the band sounds great. This is fine." - Alberto Puig ~~~


Thanks for the quick responses!

That looks like a good choice.

I will order from Rick's.


as a fellow 2007 S4RS owner, could you take a few pictures of the replacement process. I'm thinking i should replace mine before the thing fails when i'm out on highway 94


Unfortunately I already replaced it, but I did write a procedure.

1. Remove seat
2. Remove left-hand side cover
3. Unstrap 2 rubber wire ties
4. Unplug both connectors going to the regulator:
3-pin yellow wire coming from stator
4-pin power output
Do this by depressing the tab lock on each connector
5. Unscrew regulator
   The right-hand side has a 10-mm nut underneath! Hold this with a wrench and don’t drop the nut

Assembly is the reverse of above

I took a couple of pictures, but I have to admit I do not know how to insert them. If you tell me, I will post them. When I hit "insert image", it inserts [img]


Quote from: vincep99 on July 19, 2019, 12:22:57 PM
Unfortunately I already replaced it, but I did write a procedure.

1. Remove seat
2. Remove left-hand side cover
3. Unstrap 2 rubber wire ties
4. Unplug both connectors going to the regulator:
3-pin yellow wire coming from stator
4-pin power output
Do this by depressing the tab lock on each connector
5. Unscrew regulator
   The right-hand side has a 10-mm nut underneath! Hold this with a wrench and don’t drop the nut

Assembly is the reverse of above

I took a couple of pictures, but I have to admit I do not know how to insert them. If you tell me, I will post them. When I hit "insert image", it inserts [img]

thanks, were you able to use the same mounting hardware? Was there any change in the physical size of the new VR compared to the old?


I used the same mounting hardware and the new VR was the same size as the old one.