Tapered head bearings vs stock - what was the verdict again?

Started by booger, May 07, 2023, 01:43:58 PM

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I bought a new AEM Factory triple clamp. What are people doing for bearings when replacing these? I read tapered is the way to go, but then I read it isn't. Not sure anymore.

Everybody got a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth - Mike Tyson

2001 M900Sie - sold
2006 S2R1000 - sold
2008 HM1100S - sold
2004 998 FE - $old
2007 S4RT
2007 Vespa LX50 aka "Slowey"
2008 BMW R1200 GSA


My '96 Monster has tapered bearings. When they went bad it was very sketchy at speed in a corner. Ducati switched at some point. I don't wonder why.
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    To realize the value of nine  months:
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