It was nice seeing you and so many others in the pits this weekend. thanks all!
John, you can take my SV out next (Saturday) ToR if you want. Its a fun little bike. I am buying Cierra some new tires so she can use her Ninja.
Geez, Mo. When are you going to show a little generosity? Stop being so selfish? It always has to be about you, huh? Also, as a side note. We are going to be reducing the number of riders from 35 to 30. There seemed to be just to many people on the track Sunday. If we have too, we will go to 25, but I'm hoping 30 is a good safe number.
Thanks, Mo. I appreciate the offer. Maybe some day I'll take you up on it when I get my own track bike and I can reciprocate your offer in kind. I didn't intend to hate on TOR - I think it's great. I like getting out there and working on corners, etc. However, I agree with the concensus that the field was a little full out there yesterday.
Did you guys watch the TOR video from RolandK that he posted on PNW? At about 5:50 there is a great shot of someone rocketing down the back straight at 11ty billion mph. Wow. Not sure what his objective was? Then the Turn 1 wipeout occurs at about 6:45 I think.
I dunno. I'll defer to you racer dudes to make judgments about stuff like that. I definitely see the wisdom of sanctioned track days and the class specific racing you guys do.