Damn near...

Started by DCXCV, May 09, 2008, 10:39:44 AM

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So I'm riding after work last night to meet up for dinner and I'm in the right lane of a 3-lane city street.  My right turn into the restaurant is coming up in a bit, so I could stay in my lane, but I go center lane 'cause it looks like one of the three cages ahead is going to turn at this light I'm rolling up to.  I move over and brake.  As I'm next to the hood of the car that had been ahead of me I hear a crunch.  The guy that had been behind me rear-ended the guy who had been in front.

I'm glad I avoided that threesome.  Dumb luck prevails again!!  wt:

"I tend to ride faster when I can't see where I'm going. Everything works out better that way." -- Colin Edwards

Timmy Tucker

1999 M750 - "Piggy"
2007 S4RS


The full pantheon of moto gods was with you.  Sacrifice a virgin at your earliest convenience in thanks.  Or for no reason at all.  How was dinner?
"It ain't cool being no jive turkey this close to Thanksgiving."



07 S2R1K


My theory is that the driver behind you was so entranced by your Monster that he failed to avoid hitting the car in front of him.  Either that or you just missed out on being the meat in the comatose driver sandwich.  Congratulations, now wheelie off happily and know that you are one of the chosen ones.  And where's that virgin?
If it's got two wheels and a motor, I like it!


Quote from: c_rex on May 09, 2008, 10:50:51 AM
The full pantheon of moto gods was with you.  Sacrifice a virgin at your earliest convenience in thanks.  Or for no reason at all.  How was dinner?

Dinner was super - the more so for knowing I could have been spending that time in a hospital.

And you know why they sacrificed the virgins, right?  It encourages the other women to be more... accommodating.  :e:v

Anyway, it's a good reminder to pay attention to the morons behind you and give yourself an outlet at stoplights.
"I tend to ride faster when I can't see where I'm going. Everything works out better that way." -- Colin Edwards


That's exactly why, regardless of where I ride in the lane, I always come to a stop on either side of the lane (usually the left side).
2005 S2R800
2006 S2R1000
2015 Monster 821


You didnt even hear the squealing brakes before the crunch?  Damn inattentive drivers!


Quote from: deweey on May 09, 2008, 02:19:54 PM
You didnt even hear the squealing brakes before the crunch?  Damn inattentive drivers!

The cage used the other cage to stop no brakes needed.  ;D
750 SS 01    800 S2R 05  Aprilia RST 1000 futura


Thats the one argument i have a hard time winning with my wife.  shes like, "i trust you and know you'll be safe, but i don't trust those other drivers."

Someone has to be working on some kind of helmet that alerts you when something has the chance of colliding with you with enough time for you to move. i mean a freakin car can parallel park itself or tell you if there is a heartbeat inside before you get in.

Anyone with connections in china or japan. that'd be the first place ide look for one.
695 DARK 696: only time will tell which one will be mine.....


Quote from: wanta695 on May 09, 2008, 11:44:26 PM
Thats the one argument i have a hard time winning with my wife.  shes like, "i trust you and know you'll be safe, but i don't trust those other drivers."

Someone has to be working on some kind of helmet that alerts you when something has the chance of colliding with you with enough time for you to move. i mean a freakin car can parallel park itself or tell you if there is a heartbeat inside before you get in.

Anyone with connections in china or japan. that'd be the first place ide look for one.

We should get a Star Wars defense System, like the US Military was looking at in the 80's, for our helmets!
Look out suv cagers!  BOOM
750 SS 01    800 S2R 05  Aprilia RST 1000 futura

Count Desmo

Quote from: DCXCV on May 09, 2008, 02:06:43 PM

And you know why they sacrificed the virgins, right?  It encourages the other women to be more... accommodating.  :e:v

[cheeky]  I have never heard that one!

Glad you made the choice to change lanes!


Glad you made it out of there in time.  That would have not been good.  I have always gone to the left side on a stop, but even then you can get an ass on a cell phone or someone just not paying attention that will creep up on you before ya know it.