No tickets? I bought my Monster on the first of the month and on the 30th of that same month received my first ticket. That was many many tickets ago.
I've got most people beat on this one. When I pulled into my local ducati dealership parking lot driving my cadillac, where I could see my beautiful tangerine S2R800 waiting for me in the sun... a local police cruiser pulls in right behind me. Went something like this...
Him - "That your bike there?"
Me - "Yup"
Him - "Pretty nice"
Me - "Yup" (not sure what the hell was going on mind you...)
Him - "That your cadillac there"
Me - "Yup" (starting to realize)
Him - "Pretty excited to pick up that bike weren't ya"
Me - "I was..."
Hands me ticket for 65 in a 45... I chalked it up to "delivery fees" for the bike lol...
Ducati got me a speeding ticket before I ever even took one out on the road.