I celebrated too soon. Just got back from the barn where I took quite some time getting everything working....with resistors and the old relay (new one works too, but no better than the old one since I have resistors in paralell).
Yesterday I checked the new relay by hooking up one front LED signal (I've had two on the back for ages but before, when I added one up front, I'd get the manic flashing). Well, with the new relay, no manic flashing when I signalled to that side (didn't try signalling to the opposite side; the one that still had an incandescent) so I posted up here.
Today I went to finish the job. Hooked up the last LED signal and..... NOTHING. Much head scratching. I put one incandescent back in and found that I could flash on the side that had both LEDs, but when I tried to flash the other side.....all four signals flashed (our Ducs don't have 4-way emergency flashers
Now you take a look at the schematic and there's no way this can happen; the turn signal switch takes the signal from the flasher relay and sends it to either the left or the right circuit, each of which has its two signals in parallel. WTF
I dicked around for a while and finally wired a ceramic power resistors in paralell with each front signal and buttoned it up. I really didn't want to use resistors, especially the ceramics since the leads are fragile (I broke one and had to re-solder it on) but there was no way I was going to stick the incandescents back on