Arizona Motorcycle License TestSix skills are tested:
- Left Turn
- Controlled Stop
- Offset Weave
- Right Hand U-Turn
- Quick Stop
- Obstacle Swerve
These are combined so that you will make four separate runs composed of a left turn then a controlled stop, followed by a second run composed of the offset weave to a right hand U-turn. The quick stop and obstacle swerve are done separately.
The test is graded on deductions. 10 points is the maximum allowed for passing. Deductions are earned for riding outside boundary lines, putting a foot down and missing or hitting cones. Stalling the motorcycle will also earn deductions as will skidding during the normal stop segment. The test will be terminated if the motorcycle is dropped or if it is operated in an unsafe manner, like running into something or someone.
The point deductions for putting a foot down are usually 3 points for the first time during a specific exercise and 5 points maximum for the second and subsequent faults. Stalling once is a 1-point deduction, 3 points for second time and a maximum of 5 points for three or more stalls.
Skipping or hitting cones in the offset weave have deductions of 3 points for the first cone and 5 for two or more. Other deductions will be covered in the individual descriptions of the exercises.
The test will be terminated if the rider has accumulated enough points to fail or has repeatedly failed to understand or follow instructions. The rider also has the option of quitting at any time.
Run #1: Left Turn and Normal StopBegin this test approximately 30 feet away from the left hand turn diagramed below. You must complete the turn inside the boundary lines and without putting a foot down. Once you exit the turn, you will make a sweeping 180 degree turn to a 5'x3"' box painted on the ground. You need to be able to stop with your front tire inside the box and not touching the line and without skidding. You will approach the box on the 5' side.
Skidding during the stop is a 3 point deduction and not stopping in the box is a 5 point deduction.
Run #2: Cone Weave and Right Hand U-TurnThe offset cone weave (below) and U-turn are the cause of more test failures than all of the other exercises combined. The run begins with the rider approximately 10 feet away from and in line with the first cone.
The rider must pass the first cone on the left and the second on the right and so on. Three points are deducted for the first cone missed and 5 points if you miss more than one. In addition, 3 points are deducted for putting a foot down once and 5 points for the second and subsequent occurrences.
Once the offset cone segment is completed, the rider must perform a sweeping 180-degree turn and perform a right hand U-Turn in the box shown. 500cc bikes and above use the 24' line while those under 500cc's use the 20' line. Five point deductions are earned for touching the boundary lines and/or putting a foot down.
Due to the point weighting on this run it is possible to earn 10 points on the offset weave and another 10 on the right hand U-Turn, so this is a good place to focus your practice.
Run #3: Quick StopThe quick stop (below) is one of two timed maneuvers. The rider begins on a start line and accelerates for 35 feet, stabilizing the motorcycle's speed between 12 and 20 MPH. A 20' long timing box is then entered; the box is usually defined by two sets of cones.
When the front tire reaches the end of the timing box (second set of cones) the brakes are applied and the motorcycle is stopped as quickly and as safely as possible. Unlike the controlled stop you do not earn deductions for skidding, although it isn't encouraged.
There is a standard distance based on your speed and you earn a 1-point deduction for every foot over that standard. In practice if you use both brakes properly you will be within the standard with room to spare.
There are several portions of this test that cause trouble for many riders. Points will most likely be deducted if the rider uses only the rear brake. An automatic failure will be charged to riders who end up skidding and dropping the motorcycle, so don't get carried away.
The last potential trouble spot is either going too fast or too slow or anticipating the stop. Examiners will be looking for any attempt to brake before the stop line, but if you do you will get one more chance at it in this portion of the test. You also get a second run if you are riding too fast or too slow, so take a glance at your speed. Remember the 12 to 20 MPH speed limit; 14 to 15 MPH is ideal.
Run #4: Obstacle SwerveThe Obstacle Swerve (below) is the second timed test with the same target speed of 12 to 20 MPH. The rider will begin a swerve either to the left or right as directed at the second set of cones.
Thirteen feet from the swerve line (10 feet plus the 3 one-foot hash marks in image below) is a second line which is 7' wide representing a car and 6'6' to the outside of that is a vertical line. The rider must swerve through the 6'6" opening without touching the 7 foot horizontal line or the vertical boundary line to the outside. It is a 5 point deduction for touching the boundary. If you are too slow you get one more chance.