On the 405 today..

Started by MAXdB, September 30, 2009, 12:38:46 PM

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So today I leave about 45 minutes earlier than I usually do for school since my bike has a flat.. then I get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic [bang] ... I was fully absorbed in my own misfortune of being stuck in my cage until I came up to the accident that caused the traffic jam.. motorcycle accident.. made out a probably-totaled white gixxer in between chps and tow trucks. the biker had already been taken from the scene in an ambulance.  :(  Hopefully he/she is ok.

Be safe out there.


ErkZ NOT in SLO w/ his '95 m900!
The end is in sight! Gotta buckle down and get to work!

red baron

"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations... James Madison


crap  :'(

the 405 sucks

if the people putting on makeup while on cell phone dont get ya... the shitty road will
Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar kicked me out of the band..... they said I didnt fit the image they were trying to project. 

So I went solo.  -Me

Some people call 911..... some people are 911
-Marcus Luttrell


There's a fine line between clever and stupid.


Volvo + motorcycle fatality. Not helping any stereotypes here. [bang]


Quote from: Holden on October 01, 2009, 07:36:33 PM
Volvo + motorcycle fatality. Not helping any stereotypes here. [bang]

Stereotype of what?


Volvo drivers are stereotypically dangerous. Motorcyclists are stereotypically dead...

Quote from: Sportrider mag's motorcycle riding tipsExperience has taught us to watch for particular car types in addition to neglected cars. Volvo works hard to promote the safety of its cars, and that means some owners of Volvos buy them because they know they're going to be in an accident. Sure, it's an unfair generalization of Volvo owners, but it's an observation made after a decade in Los Angeles.


did you see the newsclip about the guy smuggling asian song birds into the us by strapping them to his socks...wtf?
'07 Daytona 675, '04 GSXR 750, '08 YZ250F


There was a guy a few days ago who had strapped MOTHER-EFFING PYTHONS to his MOTHER-EFFING ABDOMEN along with some geckos (not of the mother-effing variety) and tried to get through Norway Customs.  I want to say he was coming from Denmark, but can't recall the news exactly.

Oh, and about the Volvo drivers... You remember those commercials they'd run where the drivers would do THE DUMBEST FECES IN THE WORLD? Ex. the female driver who drops something off the passenger seat and is rummaging around for it while she almost rear-ends a car... but the car's safety beeping feature saves her stupid ass!  You also have the commercial where a couple is assumedly exceeding the speed limit in a race to make it to Pink's Famous Hot Dogs before they close.  Again, the safety feature allows them to avoid a truck (but is immediately followed by the Volvo driver changing lanes and passing him like a twat).

I used to use the 405 occasionally, but no more.  I have banned myself from its craptastic road surfacing, merge points, and drivers.  Most of the bikes I used to see on there are pretty sweet, though.  [thumbsup]